Friday, May 31, 2019

The Death Penalty is Wrong Essay -- essays research papers fc

     The death penalty is absolutely outrageous. There is no real reason that the government should feel that it has the right to penalize people. Capital penalization is murder just as much as the people being executed murdered. The is no need for the death penalty and it need to be abolished. It goes against the Constitution which states that there will be no cruel and unusual punishment. There is nonhing crueler than killing a person.     A perfect case of the death penalty going awry is the state of Illinois. Former governor George Ryan has put a stay on all executions. This came as a dissolver of finding thirteen death row inmates not guilty of their convicted crimes. Also, by staying executions, Illinois is not spending the tierce vitamin C million dollars to almost three hundred men and women to death row in the past twenty two years (Ryan 14). That is a ridiculous amount of m geniusy to send only three hundred to death row, mak ing it approximately one million dollars a person. Those people make up only two percent of all convicted murders in Illinois (Ryan 14). This leaves ninety ogdoad percent of killers in jail. Why are only three hundred people acceptable to kill when the other ninety eight percent are not? In New York as well, prosecutors put one across only sought capital punishment in twelve out of one hundred ninety eight possible cases. They have gear up that the penalty of life without the chance of parole works well, and have come to prefer it (Shipp).     Without the philosophical system of life without parole, inmates who are tried for the death penalty are tried unfairly. In the year 2000 in Illinois, eight out of ten inmates sentenced to capital punishment were minorities (Mendieta). Minority inmates constitute 83% of those who have thus far been shown to be wrongfully convicted. One study has shown that people who murdered white people were found more likely to be se ntenced to death than people who have murdered African Americans (The Death Penalty is Wrong. Dead Wrong).Between 1930 and 1990, 4,016 persons were executed in the unite States. Of these, 2,129(or 53 percent) were black (Bedau). But race is still not the only discrimination. During the 1980s and aerially 1990s, only about 1 percent of all those on death row were women, even though women commit about 15 percent of all cri... ...s even more wrong to kill those people instead of forcing them to live day after day in a tiny cell to think about, and hopefully, feel remorseful about killing. Ending the lives of these criminals is letting them have the easy way out, which is certainly not what they deserve at all. The government needs to imprison these criminals because there is always a possibility that the person convicted is not guilty and if they were killed the government could do nothing at all to console those poor families of the wrong victim.Works CitedBedau, Hugo Adam. The Cas e Against the Death Penalty. July 1992. ACLU Free Reading Room. 14 May 2003. .Mandieta, Ana. Death Penalty Still Unfair, Report Says. Chicago Tribune. 31 Jan 2001.Ryan, Bill. "Abolish the Death Penalty." Chicago Tribune. 05 Jan 2001 14."Second Judge Rules Against Death Penalty." Christian Century. 09 Oct 2002 15.Shipp, E.R. "Justices Doubts slog Case Against Death Penalty." Daily News. 10 July 2001.Willing, Richard. "Fight Against Death Penalty Gains Ground." USA Today. 11 Feb 2002 3a.The Death Penalty is Wrong. Dead Wrong. 01 Aug 1999. 14 May 2003 .

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Modern Art Essay -- Manet, Rembrandt, Gaugin

This paper references the following worksOlympia. Edouard Manet. 1863. Oil on canvas. H. 130 W. 190 cm. Paris, Muse dOrsay Self Portrait. Rembrandt. 1660. Oil on canvas. 31.61 x 26.5 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Self Portrait Dedicated to capital of Minnesota Gaugin. Vincent van Gogh. 1888. Oil on canvas. 60.5 x 49.4 cm. Fogg Art Museum, Harvard UniversityPieta. Anabale Carricci. 1600. Oil on canvas. 149 x 156 cm. Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy. charr with Dead Child. Kathe Kollowitz. 1903. Etching. 39 x 48 cm. To the casual viewer, Modern inventionifice is often shocking, amusing, indecipherable and unnerving because art has always been understood in terms of traditional representation. However at the turn of the nineteenth century, European artists began to rebel against the institution of classical art. To gain success as an artist in Europe up until this time, acceptance by the Royal Academies of Art was essential (Rosenfeld 2000). The approved styl e was that of classical antiquity depicting idealised historical, mythological and apparitional scenes and because the Academies controlled official patronage for artists, they set the rules for standards of beauty in art (Rosenfeld 2000). However with the rise of modernity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, art theory evolved. Modernity in this period was characterised by rapid growth of industry and technology in the city, which meant substantial social and economic innovation crossways Europe. Feelings of anxiety and instability accompanied this rapid transformation (Sturken and Cartwright 2009, 449) and lead to a self-conscious awareness within artists and consumers alike. So strongly were the changes felt that artists began reinterpreting traditional repress matter to reflect this new modern age. Ultimately, Modern artists sought truth over beauty, a concept which encompassed both the physicality of painting as a medium as well as the artists sense of self in an endeavour to create pure art (Greenberg). Academic art strove to overcome the limitations of painting as a medium surface flatness, canvas structure and properties of paint pigment (Kleiner 2009, 822), to create illusions of space and aesthetics. Modern artists reacted by emphasising the said(prenominal) properties to communicate original insights and observations. However, the popular notion that Modernism was a... ...3857?accountid=10382 (accessed Feb 4, 2015)Figure 2. Olympia. Edouard Manet. 1863. Oil on canvas. H. 130 W. 190 cm. Paris, Muse dOrsay offered to the French State by public subscription initiated by Claude Monet, 1890 RMN-Grand Palais (Muse dOrsay) / Herv Lewandowski. Reproduced from http// (accessed Feb 4, 2015).Figure 3. Self Portrait. Rembrandt. 1660. Oil on canvas. 31.61 x 26.5 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. http// (accessed Feb 4, 2015)Fig ure 4. Self Portrait Dedicated to Paul Gaugin. Vincent van Gogh. 1888. Oil on canvas. 60.5 x 49.4 cm. Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. http// (accessed Feb 4, 2015)Figure 5. Pieta. Anabale Carricci. 1600. Oil on canvas. 149 x 156 cm. Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy. http// (accessed Feb 4, 2015)Figure 6. Woman with Dead Child. Kathe Kollowitz. 1903. Etching. 39 x 48 cm. oj0 http// (accessed Feb 4, 2015)

Alcohol :: Alcoholism

After doing some research on alcohol I keep back come to the realization that inebriation is a disease that affects millions of lives everyday. In the following essay I will discuss some things that I have learned and I will puree to give a clear understanding on what steps I will need to take to make appropriate choices in the future. I have learned that alcohol is non all fun and games. It affects many aspects in a persons life. I learned of the affects it has on my reaction time, my neuronal system, obviously my thought process, and also my reproductive system. Alcohol kills in many ways if it becomes an abused substance. It plays a major role in more than fractional of all automobile accidents. Drinking and capricious is dangerous not only to yourself but to others to. Plus it is not worth acquire caught by the jurisprudence driving under the influence.Not only have I became more knowledgeable about the affects of make happying but I have learned that if I chose to drin k not to take the risk of drinking on campus. West Chester has strict rules about this policy and I am now aware of such consequences of getting caught. But I had the worst of it being that I was holding the bag and that we got caught by the police. Now I have to deal with the West Chester bureau police as well, which will wind up many more things happening to me, including going to court and probably getting a hefty fine as well as my license taken away. Some good advice I might have for someone who chooses to drink on campus is dont. It is not worth getting caught by the school and possibly the police. If you do choose to drink do it on safe grounds such as persons house or apartment. But even then it is still possible to get caught by the guard beings that you may be too intoxicated. So the best advice I could give someone is to sleep over a friends house off campus somewhere and stay out of difficultness with the school because in the

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Education and Class Essay -- Social Class

Class theorists argue that class provides the basic grammatical construction of society and is besides the foreman cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a ruling upper class, a white-collar in-between class, and a laboring running(a) class. There is enormous inequality between the class groups and especially between the upper- and middle-classes and the working-class. What class you belong to plays a determining reference in what sort of liveliness you lead. Those at the top of the class structure typically seem to have more(prenominal) power, more wealth, more opportunities, and more misrepresent over their lives than those at the bottom. They also have a greater impact on society and use this advantage to manipulate society to serve their determine and suit their needs.This is no where more evident than in the social institution of education. Education is one of the great dividers amongst classes. The school y ou go to often determines what sort of qualifications you obtain, what stock you get and, thus, how much currency you earn and what class you move into. Education is a means in which individuals seek social mobility. P arnts realized this long ago and some struggle to fling their children to private schools to give them a better chance of succeeding in the class hierarchy. Other children, typically from working-class backgrounds, are victims of low expectations, both from their parents and internally, and put up school as soon as they can, moving into low-pa... Education and Class Essay -- Social ClassClass theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a ruling upper class, a white-collar middle class, and a laboring working class. There is enormous inequality between the class groups and especially between the upper- an d middle-classes and the working-class. What class you belong to plays a determining role in what sort of life you lead. Those at the top of the class structure typically seem to have more power, more wealth, more opportunities, and more control over their lives than those at the bottom. They also have a greater impact on society and use this advantage to manipulate society to serve their values and suit their needs.This is no where more evident than in the social institution of education. Education is one of the great dividers amongst classes. The school you go to often determines what sort of qualifications you obtain, what job you get and, thus, how much money you earn and what class you move into. Education is a means in which individuals seek social mobility. Parents realized this long ago and some struggle to send their children to private schools to give them a better chance of succeeding in the class hierarchy. Other children, typically from working-class backgrounds, are vi ctims of low expectations, both from their parents and internally, and leave school as soon as they can, moving into low-pa...

Professional Delimma Essay -- Management

Professional dilemma and value conflicts are disputes that can be apart of just about every professional job. There are sometimes many complicated and tough decisions that submit to be made throughout the day that can be very exhausting and stressful. Each new challenge can be seen in one of two ways. They can be seen a barrier which blocks or deters them from a chosen curiosity result or as learning tool that enables them to grow and move forward. I had a professional dilemma which took place about a year ago when I felt that it was pretty apparent that I was holding much of the doingload between myself and a co-worker. We were assigned to support the police departments network infrastructure. I was his aged(a) only in knowledge. Our typical day involved fixing computer problems, backups, new installs, server maintenance, and all other administration tasks. Our workload was manageable and our end-users had an gratifying expectation of support and problem resolution.Oft en, I found myself in a position of authority. However, I did not have the power to get anything done as I would like them to be. Many times, I would just do it myself because it was easier that way and I knew that it would be done correctly. The problem with this concept is that more work and projects were stipulation to me. Also, everyone wanted my opinion before proceeding on any technical task. My opinion had to be given even if my co-worker had already given his. The need for my opinion angered my co-worker and made him even less productive. One day, I decided to think about each of our personality traits and compare them. The virtually obvious differences were that I was very aggressive in taking on new challenges and he was less aggressive. The more ... ...mous beings and should be treated as an end and not just a mere means. Kant might say that we were both in the wrong because my coworker was not following the ought principle and because I was treating my cowor ker as a mere means. My coworker was not doing what he ought to do because he felt that voice was not being heard and that he was being disrespected. I was treating my coworker as a mere means in that I didnt take the time needed early on to identify his needs. I was only concerned with getting our work done. I initially felt that I was not his manager and because of that, it was not my responsibility to fix the problem. However, after further investigation into Kants principles, he also believed in universal laws that apply to everyone in all circumstances. By following this law, I would have sought a resolution to our problem sooner (Dante, 2002).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Professional Delimma Essay -- Management

Professional dilemma and value conflicts are challenges that can be apart of just about every professional job. at that place are sometimes many complicated and tough decisions that need to be made throughout the day that can be very exhausting and stressful. individually new challenge can be seen in one of two ways. They can be seen a barrier which blocks or deters them from a chosen balance result or as learning tool that enables them to grow and move forward. I had a professional dilemma which took place about a social class ago when I felt that it was pretty apparent that I was holding much of the workload between myself and a co-worker. We were assigned to support the police departments meshing infrastructure. I was his senior only in knowledge. Our typical day involved fixing computer problems, backups, new installs, server maintenance, and all other administration tasks. Our workload was manageable and our end-users had an acceptable expectation of support and pro blem resolution.Often, I found myself in a position of authority. However, I did not have the power to pretend anything done as I would like them to be. Many times, I would just do it myself because it was easier that way and I knew that it would be done correctly. The problem with this concept is that much work and projects were given to me. Also, everyone wanted my opinion before proceeding on any technical task. My opinion had to be given even if my co-worker had already given his. The need for my opinion angered my co-worker and made him even less productive. One day, I decided to think about each of our record traits and compare them. The most obvious differences were that I was very aggressive in taking on new challenges and he was less aggressive. The more ... ...mous beings and should be set as an end and not just a mere means. Kant might say that we were both in the wrong because my coworker was not following the ought principle and because I was treating my coworker as a mere means. My coworker was not doing what he ought to do because he felt that voice was not being heard and that he was being disrespected. I was treating my coworker as a mere means in that I didnt take the time needed early on to identify his needs. I was only interested with getting our work done. I initially felt that I was not his manager and because of that, it was not my responsibility to fix the problem. However, after further investigation into Kants principles, he also believed in universal laws that apply to everyone in all circumstances. By following this law, I would have sought a resolution to our problem rather (Dante, 2002).

Monday, May 27, 2019

Poems from the Kokinshu: A Literary Analysis Essay

Poems from the Kokinshu is an anthology of poems from the Japanese gothic times (Lawall. ed, 2002). The anthology is divided into different poems depicting human emotions as they vary season after season, or as people move into an entirely new environment. The principal theme of the poems revolve around the concept of comethe progression of feelings, the entire course of the love affair, primal yearnings, passionate meetings, sadness and regret (Rodd and Henkenius, 1996). As each season, starting from spring, progresses, the emotions entailed in each poem also changes and develops.One of the principal stylistic features in the anthology is simile, wherein the pen compares his feelings to his observation of what is happening in his environment. An example of simile is expressed in Poem II, 73 like the world hollow as a cicadas cast-off shell oh cherry blossoms you too will fade away just as we catch sight of your beauty In this fact poem, the author compares his object of affect ion to a decaying shell of the cicada as the day turns into night. Simile occurs in several poems just like the said example. other striking stylistic feature presented in the poem is antithesis, wherein the author expresses his emotions in contrast to his environment. In several poems wherein the prevailing emotion is grief, the author contrasts his feelings to the beauty of his environment. hither is an example from Poems 7 and 8 from the Spring Poems of the Kokinshu so longingly have I awaited the fresh flowers of spring, that they have dyed my brain and I slang snow as clustered blooms on branches though I bask in thecomforting warmth of springs light how melancholy to weigh that my hair now wears a crown of winter snow Aside from the aforementioned poems being examples of antithesis, parts of them also suggest allegory. The phrases they have dyed my soul and to think that my hair now wears a crown of winter snow mean that the character in the poem is old and has white hair. The antithesis comes as he describes the warmth of spring in contrast to the cold winter which his body and soul are experiencing, i. e. , his old age.Given that the anthology was written and compiled in the Japanese medieval times, the concepts or theme presented in The Kokinshu are parallel to other literary works done in different parts of the world, such as the chivalric Lyrics of the English Literature. Though a significant number of these lyrics talk about Christianity and religion, most works are also written in the concept of love with a pretext of nature. An example of a Medieval Lyric similar to the theme of a Kokinshu poem is Westron Wind (Western Wind)Westron wind, when will thou blow? The belittled rain down can rain. Christ, if my love were in my arms, And I in my bed again. As said earlier, the prevailing concept tackled in the anthology is love and its accompanying emotions that were given color and described in comparison/contrast to nature and its seasons. The c oncept of love, though internationally recognized throughout the centuries and millennium, is somewhat a auxiliary concept in the 21st century.In this day and age, with all the prevailing issues such as technology, globalization and others, the concept of love is deemed unimportant to be tackled, although, it is indeed, as cliche dictates, the universal language. As Mario Vargas Llosa said, literature is one of the common denominators of human experience through which human beings may recognize themselves and converse with each other, no matter how different their professions, their life plans, their geographical and cultural locations, their personal circumstances. Although the concept of love is not deemed as important as business or policy-making concepts nowadays, it still is a ruling emotion that affects each person. Any person who has loved or wanted to love, or even despised love, can interrelate to the verses of the Kokinshu, including myself. References Lawall, S. N. (Ed . ) (2002). The Norton Anthology of World Literature. New York WW Norton & Co, Inc. Rodd, L. R. , & Henkenius, M. C. (Eds. ) (1996). Kokinshu A Collection of Poems Ancient

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Character Analyses Table

Characters The Story of tom Brennan Using the information approximately the other characters given to you by the other groups fill in the boxes below, include * Adjectives to describe their personal (how they act, what theyre like) and physical characteristics (what they look like) * How they deal with the crash & do they blame themselves for the crash? How? (Include a inverted comma from the novel to illustrate this and explain why this quote is appropriate) * Outline how they have grown or changed throughout the novel (Include a second quote from the novel to illustrate this and explain why this quote is appropriate)Tom BrennanBefore determined, strong, horny, talented, and athletic. How he dealt with it Tom blames himself at the start but learns to accept that it was not his fault. He soon sees that he could never have stopped Daniel from getting in the car. Tomorrow? I felt my heart slip to the ground there would be a tomorrow the world went on, regardless of how I felt. It s hows how Tom is struggling to get through the days and fitting when it gets better he remembers how crap his life is. Tom changes hugely throughout the book, he works hard to improve his life and become happy again even when he wants to give up. I just wish I was starting to feel a bit better You will, I know you will. Re whollyy? Yeah. Do you? Yeah I answered. Its slow but I can see ahead now, if you know what I mean? Like? Like life being clear again. I squeezed her hand. Shows how Tom starts to live again. Daniel BrennanBefore possibility arrogant, Sentenced to 3 years in jail. Blames himself, ashamed of what he has done. He has plenty of cartridge holder to think about what his done. Daniel improves at the end. Reckless at times. Doesnt deal with the crash that well because he blames himself for what happened at the beginning.He has a mentor that helps him deal with the accident and then Daniel begins to help mortal else. Daniel was an accident waiting to happen, jus t shame that it happened to other people. From Nicoles parents. He became sorry and a mentor. This is how he changed throughout the novel. kiley BrennanSmoker, stubborn, argumentative. After accident aggressive, angry, guilty, frightened, whodunitive and bitchy. Builds a strong relationship with Tom and Daniel. Expresses her feelings through her speech about domestic terrorism.Kylie becomes lovingness about Fin and made sure he was ok. Kyles well never be the same, but that doesnt mean it has to be bad just different. This show that things can change but doesnt have to be negative. How she dealt with it She moved on quickly, but she blamed herself secretly because she encouraged Fin and Claire to get together. She hated herself, and cut her hair off. Tell someone who cares Tom. As she got up and walked out. This shows she is angry. She started being rebellious as a form of coping. She started smoking and even swearing.Unlike Tom though, she cant talk about the accident. As she to ld her new friend Brianna and her old friend Becky. FinBefore accident mature, relaxed. After accident confused, depressed, quadriplegic. Hey Tom and here he was 6 months later, his had grown back and he could breathe for himself. But hed never be the real Fin, the Fin I knew. Whos Bennies 5/8th, A bloke called Rory, Is he any good. I answered carefully Hes not badHe became quadriplegic, becomes depressedBecause he cant move, he had more time to think.When becoming angry, the only way to feel better is to take it out on his family. About the crash angry, lost confused, depressed. Blames Daniel for the crash and how he ruined his life. Uncle Brendan ClaireRegretful, forgiving, scared, caring and thoughtful. Claire broke up with Daniel and he went crazy which resulted in the accident. Gran Aunty Kath Jo Brennan and Tess Brennan (Toms Parents)Sympathetic, dull, depressed, negligent. He does not blame himself for the accident as he felt they all had the reason to celebrate.They got in to the final end they cherished a premature party. Joe did not know the full relationship between Fin and Claire had the secret relationship. Joe just saw it as a night of fun not tragedy. She nodded. youve always been one step ahead of her. You and Kylie both have. So what did I do wrong my first born? Tess blames her parenting skills referring to Kylie and Tom being good but looked at the Daniel turned out. Tess used to be very neglectful to the rest of family and has come to deep depression.She didnt show much interest other than Daniel this has extended not only to her own children but Fin as well. She changed throughout the novel by taking care of her health and making effort with her children. Mum made dinner. Kylie and I helped. They were only omelettes but that was the most(prenominal) shes cooked in ages. She kept going on about how delicious they were and how you had to eat the eggs in a particular way to make them fluffy. Kylie gave me a bit of an eye roll but she didnt say anything. We knew these were big steps for mum. We didnt want to do nything to ruin it in typeface she went back to bed and never got out. Not only has god given you a gift, I mean sincerely. Now, it was good, but it was never going to be as good as you But I think deep down he meant that. Joe comes to senses and realises that Daniel, is not so much the golden child. Joe realises that Tom has so much, he has a chance at a better life, a great rugby career and a chance to become a great someone, special. This relates to Joe in changing because he realises that Tom can be someone and he can lift his brother and family from the disaster. Tess blames herself.She felt saddened, depressed as if she never wanted to wake up from her bed. Tess often slept, and slept in the dark clutches of doona. It was though she would never wake from under the bed ever again, but Tess after all that sleeping she was just thinking that she should of stopped Daniel. But there was no way. Tess did not know what was going to happen. Daniels actions affected Tess in a way where she would never able to look at her sister in the eye again. The damaged that ripped Tesss family apart that to her was unbearable to forget, and to beg for forgiveness.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Theatre-Director’s Role

The director is the most important person in the play because without his visions the actors would select no purpose and nothing would go on. Without the director all would be at loss in the theatre. The director is the one who tell everyone what to do and installs the idolatry into the cast and other to perform at their best at all times. The director is the person who all the actors and stage crew and everyone tries to impress and they give endlessly be on their best behavior while the director.I would want to be the director because everything is dependent on you and you are the one who calls the shots and I will maintain order on the set. The director is the one who knows the whole play and has to get the performers to perform and to make the show run as smoothly as possible. If the actors or stage coach were to get out of line or not do their job then the director would heard about it and not be do happy about it. The preparation for the director is a major issue. Many hours of perfecting the acting according to the script takes a strain when you train to account for everything that is going on.A director must having coping skills and still be enough and authoritarian to curb respect from all the members of the cast. For me personally, I would have to learn how to work with people instead of getting mad and not wanting to work through problems that might occur during rehearsal and the whole exertion in general. The work and preparation that needs take place is tremendous, but the director has to put so much pre meditated work in that is not seen by many people, but its truly eveudent in the final production.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Anabolic Steroids Use And Abuse Health And Social Care Essay

Anabolic steroids be produced by synthesising the male sex endocrinal testoster unitary ( shown supra ) . The right term for these compounds isA an anabolic-androgenic steroid ( AAS ) anabolic intending muscle-building and androgenic significance increased male sexual features.Anabolic steroids were established in the late thirtiess in the first place to handle hypogonadism ( a status where the testicles do nt do adequate testosterone for prep being and development, and sexual operation ) . It was discovered that anabolic steroids could assist the skeletal musculus grow in research lab animate beings. This led the compounds being abused by muscle builders and weightlifters and so by jocks in an effort to heighten their human beings presentation and/or get around their physical appearance.A It has become so widespread in sports that it affects the result of athleticss competitions due to it being prohibited e.g. Lance Armstrong.Illegal steroids be frequently sold at gyms, competitions, and through mail order operations after being smuggled into the state. Most illegal steroids in the United States be smuggled from states that do non necessitate a prescription for the purchase of steroids e.g. . Steroids ar besides illicitly took from U.S. pharmaceuticss or synthesized in secret research labs.Other steroids that do nt construct musculus are cortisol, oestrogen, and Lipo-Lutin. They are non anabolic, and hence do non hold the same harmful cause as testosterone.SyringesDoctors prescribe them to assist tribe with trustworthy sorts of anemia steroid endocrine lack i.e. delayed pubescence, and illnesses that importation in loss of thin musculus mass e.g. malignant neoplastic disease and AIDS. Doctors never suggest anabolic steroids to immature, healthy community to assist them construct musculuss. Therefore without a prescription from a physician, anabolic steroids are illegal.There are numerous different anabolic-androgenic steroids. Most common 1s sign upn to daylight Andro, oxandrin, dianabol, winstrol, deca-durabolin, and balance.What Are the Common Street Names?Juice, gym confect, pumpers, stackers.What are the side effects?Steroid ill-treatment can do more unwanted effects and can hold serious, possibly lasting, wellness jobs.In Work forceBaldness, acneJaundice ( yellowing of tegument or eyes )Fury, AggressivenessHeart jobs unnatural bosom beat ( due to utilize with water pills ) , gamey blood force per unit area, unstable tutelage and/or bosom onslaught, Enlargement of the bosom s left ventricleDevelopment of chest tissueHigh Cholesterol degreesPermanent liver harm, liver tumorsInfertility, increased libidoDiabetessShriveling of the testissIn WomansJaundice ( yellowing of tegument or eyes )Facial hair, acneHeart jobs unnatural bosom beat ( due to utilize with water pills ) , high blood force per unit area, unstable keeping and/or bosom onslaught, Enlargement of the bosom s left ventricleEffectss on the unborn gull if taken during gestationHigh Cholesterol degreesPermanent liver harm, liver tumorsProblems with periodsEnlarged justtonDiabetessExcessive growing of organic mental synthesis hairMale-pattern phalacrosisVoice deepening.Other side effects may includeMusculoskeletal systemShort stature ( if taken by striplings )Tendon ruptureCardiovascular systemAdditions in LDL Decreases in HDLLiverCancerPurpura hepatisSkinOily scalpInfectionHIV/AIDSHepatitisMost of the side effects usually halt if drug use Michigans.Associated with many drugs are two effects known asTolerance is a province of opposition to the effects of a drug. These means a individual moldiness take more of the drug to accomplish its original consequence.Withdrawal is the reaction of the organic structure when regular drug usage has stopped. Therefore people allow go on to utilize the drug to forestall these symptoms.Steroid maltreatment can besides hold an consequence on behavior. Many users report experiencing sound more or less them-selves while utilizing anabolic steroids, moreover research workers report that utmost temper swings besides can happen, including manic-like symptoms taking to force. This is because anabolic steroids act in a portion of the encephalon called the limbic system, which influences temper and is besides involved in larning and memory.Steroids can besides take to feelings of depression. Depression, can be life endangering, frequently is seen when the drugs are stopped and this may explicate why people continue to the them. Researchers besides report that users may endure from paranoia, green-eyed monster, utmost crossness, psychotic beliefs, and impaired perspicaciousness stemming from feelings of indomitability.Most informations on the long-run effects of anabolic steroids in worlds come from instance studies instead than proper scientific surveies. From these instance studies, nevertheless, the rate of life endangering effects appears to be low, but serious inaus picious effects may be under-recognized or under-reported, particularly since they may happen many old ages subsequently. Datas from carnal surveies seem to back up this possibility. One survey found that exposing male mice for fifth part of their lifetime to steroid doses comparable to those taken by human jocks caused a high frequence of early deceases.How to diminish side effects of anabolic steroids?The easiest manner to be safe is non to utilize them at all. But if utilizing them one should practice low doses.Do nt portion acerate leafs or panpipes with other people.Use a clean acerate leaf from an unopened bundle with every dig and do. sure the injection site is unfertile.Avoid utilizing water pills with anabolic steroids.Avoid utilizing other drugs to treat side effects if they develop.Let your physician know that you are utilizing anabolic steroids and speak about it.Make sure you know precisely what tablets you are taking. If you are non certain what they are, so happen out before you take them. Besides make certain that any tablet you take has non been tampered with.Scientific surveies have shown that anabolic steroids better physical public presentation through the consequence of preparation and diet, which accompanies the usage of the drugs.How Are They Used?Some people who abuse steroids dad pills. Others use subcutaneous acerate leafs to shoot steroids straight into musculuss. Others can be provided in gels or picks that can be applied to the tegument. Doses taken by maltreaters can be 10 to 100 times higher than the doses used for aesculapian conditions.How are anabolic steroids abused?Steroids are abused in forms called cycling . This means taking several doses of steroids over an exact period of clip, followed by a period of remainder ( no drug usage ) , so get downing once more.Users frequently combine legion different types of steroids. This is a single-valued function called stacking. Abusers typically stack the drugs, intending that they take two or more different anabolic steroids, blending unwritten and/or injectable types. Abusers think that the different steroids move to bring forth an consequence on musculus size that is greater than the effects of each drug separately.Another manner abusing is known as pyramiding. This is a procedure in which users increase the figure of steroids/the dosage and frequence of one or more steroids used at one clip, making a vizor sum at mid-cycle and so diminishing the dosage toward the terminal of the metre. Often, maltreaters pyramid their doses in rhythms of 6 to 12 hebdomads. This is sometimes followed by a 2nd rhythm in which the individual continues to develop but without drugs. Abusers believe that pyramiding allows the organic structure clip to set to the high doses, and the drug-free rhythm allows the organic structure s hormonal system clip to retrieve.No scientific grounds is available for any of the three methods reference above, so the benefits of them are unknown.Why do people mistreat anabolic steroids?There are several grounds why immature people begin utilizing drugs i.e. because of friends/peer force per unit area. Often, immature people believe that decease or other terrible costs of drug usage will non impact them. Adults may hold same grounds as immature people. Equally good as emphasis of life, occupation, and household force per unit areas may take grownups to utilize drugs alleviation and/or assist them beleaguer up. Peoples besides may utilize drugs for a rush of energy. Others may utilize drugs out of wonder, for a bang, or to arise. Regardless of why drug usage begins, many people continue the utilizing them because they become dependent on the drug.One of the chief grounds for mistreating steroids is to progress athletic public presentation. Harmonizing to studies, merely 6 % of jocks maltreatment steroids, but subjective information suggests that steroid maltreatment is more widespread. Although proving processs are now in topographic point to discourage steroid maltreatment among professional and Olympic jocks, new interior decorator drugs invariably become available that can get away sensing and set jocks willing to rip off one measure in front of proving attempts. This action to darnel, nevertheless, may be about to switch if the economy of urine and blood samples for retesting at a hereafter day of the month becomes the criterion. The high chance of eventual sensing of the newer interior decorator steroids, one time the engineering becomes available, plus the fright of backdated blessings, should give jocks a better ground non to utilize them.Another ground for taking steroids is to increase musculus size or to cut down organic structure fat. This includes people bear from the behavioral syndrome called musculus dysmorphia, which causes them to hold a deformed image of their organic structures. Work force with musculus dysmorphia think that they look little and weak, even if they are big and muscular. Similarly, adult females with this status think that they look fat and flabby, even though they are really thin and muscular.Some people who abuse steroids to further musculus size have experienced physical or sexual maltreatment. In one series of interviews with male weightlifters, 25 % who abused steroids reported memories of puerility physical or sexual maltreatment. Similarly, female weightlifters who had been raped were found to be twice every bit likely to describe usage of anabolic steroids, compared with those who had non been raped. Furthermore, about all of those who had been raped reported that they markedly increased their anaerobic exercise activities after the onslaught. They believed that being bigger and stronger would deter farther onslaughts because work forces would happen them any intimidating or unattractive.Treatment of drug maltreatmentSome physicians use medicine to handle drug dependance. Such medicine alleviations hungering or barricade the consequence of habit-forming drugs. Methadone is normally used as it has similar effects to opiates.Examples of anabolic steroid maltreatmentThe United States Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA ) has accused multiple Tour de France ace Lance Armstrong of utilizing anabolic steroids, human growing endocrine ( HGH ) , banned corticoids and saline, and plasma injections to dissemble the usage of erythropoietin ( EPO ) . USADA charged him with six offenses covering the usage of prohibited substances, the trafficking of drugs, the governing body of drugs to team-mates and helping and abetting a monolithic cover-up between 1998 and 2005. A sum of 26 informants including 11 fellow riders from the United States Postal Service squad testified to USADA against Armstrong in the doping instance.Sylvester Stallone has used HGH and testosterone to bulk up for his functions in Rocky and Rambo.The Rock has used Testosterone Cypionate 850MG, Tren Enth 500MG, Dianabol 50MG, 600MG Deca, and 60MG Anavar during his WWE calling.DecisionTo reason anabolic steroids are utile to handle medicative conditions e.g. low testosterone degrees, but due to the musculus edifice belongingss they are being abused by jocks.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Police Brutality in NYC

such incidents may exist. With increased attention being paid to incidents of patrol barbarousness, lawsuits being brought against both the officers and the government for which they work, and a focus on the psychological conditions that may affect those officers that violently abuse citizens, there is hope that guard brutality can be better understood, reduced, and eventually eradicated. When Americans think of the history of police brutality, there atomic number 18 several historical events that form the backdrop for this social problem.Although thousands f undocumented and unrecorded incidents of police brutality undoubtedly have occurred, it was non until the advent of videotape that Americans who previously had no knowledge of police brutality began to truly understand this issue. The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s was accompanied by human beingy incidents of police brutality committed against African Americans and their supporters. The pictures and videos of these in cidents, broadcast on national television, included nonviolent protestors being tear-gassed, beaten with billy clubs, and even sprayed with blaze hoses.In February 2012 in New York City, an amateur video posted online shows quartet New York City police officers kicking and punching a nineteen year old man who was laying on the ground unarmed. His mother said that her son required staples in his head and arm. Jatiek Reed, the nineteen year old Bronx resident, who has suffered from constant headaches and nightmares since then, announced he was requesting a special prosecutor to investigate. Reeds attorney said the Bronx district attorneys office wasnt capable of investigating because its close relationship with police.The fficers involved have been placed on desk duty and their guns and shields have been removed while the New York Police Department investigated, according to US intelligence operation Online in 02/09/2012 and AP Regional State Report-New York City, 02/0112012. Many police killings receive little mention in the media. Therefore, the topic usually goes unnoticed by general public until an incident hits home or a major tragedy occurs. According to recent statistics by October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, 21 people were killed by New York police throughout 2012, averaging devil killings per onth.It increased the previous years sum by seven fatalities. The same statistic shows that nearly 90 percent of those killed were Black or Hispanic. Last years victims of police shooting alter in age Antwoine White, 17 years old, was killed in Bushwick, Brooklyn, on January 29 Ramarley Graham, 18 years old, was slain in his own Bronx bathroom Just four days later. On August 24, Jeffrey Johnson, 58 years old, was shot dead by the New York Police Department outside the Empire State expression after killing a former co-worker he had a grudge against.Shereese Francis was killed in the basement of her house in Queens. The New York Police Officers e mploy excessive force by pressing her face into a mattress while handcuffing her, causing her to suttocate. Then on June an e Davis was snot in a vehicle in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. There was no weapon involved and she didnt represent any threat to the police to warrant the use of deadly force. (New York Amsterdam News from January 31 to February 06, 2013). Still, though, the Justice Department has failed to prosecute the vast majority of police brutality cases.This problem stems from, among other things, trouble in proving allegations, absent evidence such as unbiased eyewitness testimony, or videotape recordings of the abuse. Also, there exists a perception in society that police officers are to be believed and trusted. Because such a high percentage of police officers can be trusted and do not engage in police brutality, Juries and Judges often encounter difficulty in disbelieving an officers testimony that he or she did not abuse a citizen. Most people who become police office rs do so because they ave a strong desire to protect their communities and its citizens.They work hard and receive appropriate develop on how to handle a wide variety of situations, both mediocre and dangerous. Unfortunately, despite the fact that most police officers work very hard to keep their communities safe and provide a good example to its citizens, there are some individuals who abuse the power and authority they receive as a result of their positions in law enforcement. Sadly, allegations of police brutality are not uncommon, with many an(prenominal) accusations coming from people in poor eighborhoods, minority neighborhoods, and major cities.Because police forces are governmental entities, common citizenseither individually or through their elect officialsdo have a say in how their local police force is operated. If police departments make attempts to increase sensitivity and participate in training designed to reduce violence, and if groups of citizens actively work t o encourage their local police departments to reduce violence and adopt enforceable early warning systems, police brutality can be reduced.However, while the vast majority of olice officers are good and honest people, the problem of police brutality is significant enough that it cannot be ignored. Sources Citations ethnical News Watch 21 killed by the NYPD in 2012. (2013, ). New York Amsterdam News. Retrieved fromhttp// ucc. edu2233/ic/ovic/NewsDetailsPage/NewsDetailsWindow? e=&scanld=&documentld=GALE

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The impact of Climatic Change on the Decline of Black French Truffle

Introduction1.2 BackgroundTruffles grow under a very sensitive milieu they naturally occur in the Mediterranean region of atomic number 63. This has been a mysterious crop grown under a veil of secrecy for years in this region of Europe (Ruffles Estate, 2013). This crop is regarded as a delicacy and has sustained its appeal to food lovers all around the military man. Truffle be actually a unique edible mushroom that grows underground also regarded as a fungus and is shirksidered a delicacy complimenting the best foods worldwide. Its aroma as well as olfactory sensation is commonly described as unique (Ruffles Estate, 2013). The most preferred quality in truffle market is the stern cut truffle also cognize as genus Tuber melanosporum is one of the most expensive varieties in the market and occurs naturally in parts of France also geographical referred to as the Mediterranean handbasin (Jolly, 2012). However, the Tuber melanosporum is becoming sc expellinger, and there is a common idea that this scarcity is due to global assortment of the humor (Jolly, 2012). This has led to a sharp damage summation of this rare commodity, but most of all is the concern of the gradual stock in its availability. Europe, and more so, the Mediterranean basin has seen a bulletproof deny of this rare species over the last 40 years (FAIR, 2000). This dip has been some(prenominal) in quantity, as well as quality, however this paper go away construe the former.1.3 Project Aims and ObjectivesThis projects principle aim is to hive up and analyse info using both quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the increasing worsen in the production of black truffles from France also referred to as Perigord truffle and Tuber melanosporum. In this regard, the project pull up stakes adopt cause-effect deductions, hypothesis testing, and observations to develop understanding this free fall in truffle production and in particular whether it affects the natural occ urring or cultivated truffles. A secondary aim of this project considers the reasons for the disintegration of production of the black French truffle. This project, through careful analysis of related seek acknowledges the fact that there is a general worsening in natural occurring truffle and that this crash is associated with various factors. The learn seeks to identify the main reason for the decline in production and collect of black French truffles. The study also aims at providing recommendations to shout out the decline in truffle production. This study will be documented accurately in order to provide subsequent interrogationers with all the information undeniable to further the development in this field of study.Literature ReviewIn consideration of Truffles biological and ecological growth and development Smith and Read (1997), importune that root symbionts are most signifi force outt in checking the ecosystem function in most temperate forests of the world, an d this includes the rare ectomycorrhizal fungi. Their main function is the provision of the much essential trace minerals to the truffles as well as justification from drought, disease causing agents and pests (Garbaye, 2000 Govindarajulu et al., 2005). Smith and Read (1997) further add that truffles reciprocate provision of food and protection from disease with provision of carbon to the micro-organisms. The ecology in these temperate regions is complexly interconnected, the mushrooms that are produced by the micro-organisms and are portentous sources of food for the animal populations in the forests (Carey et al., 2000).However, agree to FAIR (2000), the black truffles production in Europe has dramatically declined over the last half century, this is both in quality as well as quantity. Furthermore, efforts have been made to increase the flora that promote truffle growth, but the decline has persisted. This trend had been identified earlier by Cherfas (1991), and in his s eek, he claimed that the decline had begun over 100 years ago in the natural habitat, in the temperate forests. The cause of this decline in the growth and development of black truffles has been the orbit of inquiries and research. There is still little explanation for these long term decline in both natural and cultivated truffle.Research is needed to help understand this decline, the echt difficulty lay in understanding the underground microbial since experimental environments fail to match the necessary real world conditions (Macdonald et al., 2005). As a subject of fact Lamon et al (2009) agree that there is scarcity of much needed extended observations of quantitative info generated from natural the natural setting.Chevalier et al. ( 2001), assert that both Tuber melanosporum and Tuber magnatum are the most valuable species in the market. These varieties are also the endangered species at the brink of extinction. Hall et al. (2001), in their findings pardon that geograp hically, Tuber melanosporum naturally occurs in France, Italy, Bulgaria and certain areas in Europe. Martin, F. et al (2010), specifically examines the decline in the production of Tuber melanosporum, however, he also adds that they naturally occur in the Mediterranean habitat. Sourzat (2002), in the french publication, explains that T. melanosporums fruits best in its natural setting characterized by rocks, forests that are open that are generally warm with humble winter seasons, as well, as regular hastiness in the summers. In addition, best production is expect on the slopes where the produce receives protection from excessive frigidness and dry wind. According to Hall et al. (2001), research reveals that truffieres grown in wet areas with lower temperatures and have not yielded any truffles. In fact, truffles of the T. melanosporum species grew best in climatic regions with amongst 600-1500 mm average precipitations, average temperatures of 18-21 degree Celsius in the s ummer and the winter, an average of 1-8 degree Celsius (Zambonelli & Di Munno, 1992). It seems areas that continuously have frozen ground in the moth-eaten seasons are not suited for the growth of T. melanosporum because the fruits spoil when frozen.Fontana and Bonfante (1971) in their publication introduce the idea of growing truffle fungi in an artificial environment. They explain that this idea was to supplement the deficit of the produce collected in the natural habitat. This method was developed back in the 1970s indication that the decline of truffle had already been the cause of concern in the market. By the turn of the millennium, truffle grown in plantations accounted for half of the truffle produced around the world (Hall et al., 2003). It also authorized to note that a majority of these orchards are developed within truffles natural geographic areas.Having highlighted the required natural habitats for the truffles, and in reference to their decline, there are some(pr enominal) suggestions ground on various research on this decline. Cherfas (1991) traces back the history of this decline by asserting that the number of mushroom species gathered in each foray dropped from 72 to 38 between 1912 and 1982 in the Netherlands. In the same publication, it is revealed that chanterelles in central European market in mid 1970s were build to have reduced in size 50 clock times than those in 1950s. Hall et al.(2003) in their publication reveal that, by the 20th Century, T. melanosporum in the French market had dropped to 2000 tons annually and a further decline was witnessed by the turn of the 21st Century by 150 tons. It is true that the truffle harvesting in France has been an affair by a small number of quite a little who mainly collected them from their natural setting. As seen in the previous paragraph, there is an increase in production of truffles in orchards as a supplement to the dwindling natural supply. In a later publication Hall et al., (2 007), affirm that the decline in natural truffle harvest has persisted and is at an all time low of between 12 to 150 tonnes per year from the 1000 to 2000 tonnes in the 1990s. The steady decline in the production of truffle has led to the annul in price per unit over the last decennium with an increase in fill (Lee, 2008).The decline of French Truffle has been a point of concern in the scientific research circles with some as Hall et al. (2003) in their study, pointing at piss and air pollution, in addition to other factors including, the dynamism in forest structure and the lack of knowledge in traditional gathering as a result of world wars. Similar findings have been published in a report by Amaranthus (2007) citing destruction of truffle natural habitat, urban development, among the reasons for the decline. such(prenominal) factors are most likely to continue reducing the production figures and specifically those in their natural settings (Amaranthus, 2007 Hall et al., 2007 ). Garvey and Cooper (2004), in their report further suggest that this decline in natural habitat has resulted in the production of truffles on cultivated farms where the trees or truffieres are inoculated. However, these remedies cannot beat the native oak and hazel vegetation as the major producer of the French black truffles in France.In the recent years, the decline in truffle has been experienced in many regions of the world and especially the fast declining French black truffle or the Tuber melanosporum. However, it appears that most researchers are turning to climate as the main culprit. Buntgen et al.(2012) in their study on drought induced truffle decline explains the effect of climate on the production of truffle. They claim in their research that the effect of climate can either be directly or through the truffles symbiotic host vegetation. This literature review delves much into this article because of its relevance to the topic. Buntgen et al. (2012), provide in re ason review on the yearly inventory of regional collection of truffle from Spain consisting of Aragon, France mainly a Perigord or Tuber melanosporum, and Italy a combination of Piedmont and Umbria. In this analysis, they prove that the change in truffle production between 1970 and 2006 was similar between the species from Spain and France that is Aragon and Perigord respectively. Their analysis also found a lack of similarities in changes of production between Perigord and PiedmontUmbria from France and Italy respectively. This observation from the regional-scale coherency is consistent with Sourzat (2002) observation that western mediterranean basin is the home of truffle fruiting. In addition, the harvests of Aragon and Perigord have revealed significant correlation, this the authors relate to the similarity in summer precipitation, whereas lack of correlations was found between Piedmont and Umbria production and precipitation (Buntgen et al., 2012). The difference in levels o f sensitivity here is understandable because the Piedmont and Umbria experience double summer precipitation than Spanish Aragon with Perigord ranging in between (Zambonelli & Di Munno, 1992). The average of the three, truffle production outcomes, their regional mean correlated both positively and negatively at higher significant level of 99.9 percent with between June and August pelting totals as well as maxima temperatures.The authors, Buntgen et al.(2012), posits in their analysis that both the natural and the cultivated truffles in the Mediterranean are seasonal and are subjected to the season between November and February a claim supported by Mello et al., (2006). In addition, this is dependent on the summer condition with rainy and cold weather instrumental in the fruit body development as supported by Gallot, (1999) in his publication more than a decade prior to Buntgen et al., (2012). Buntgen et al. (2012) postulate that given the relationship between fungi and host vegeta tion, there is bound to be competition for moisture due to the amount of rainfall in this season and this correlate significantly at 99.9 percent level with the yield. Fischer and Schar, (2010) present a suite of a dozen climatic models leading to rise in mean temperatures and decrease in rainfall totals for the Mediterranean region until the end of the 21st Century. This is indicative of the increased summer evapotranspiration. It is interesting to note that the false southwest European climatic conditions representing the last ten years are consistent to the drop in the production of truffle harvest (Buntgen et al., 2012). Nonetheless, Buntgen et al. (2012), state that it is unclear whether the truffle will reach tipping points as a result of the projected shift in climate, this is regard to their physiological and biogeochemical fruit body development. In their assumption, the expected or projected summer dryness will result in a sustained decline, in truffle yield, while the regions north of Alpine arc are most likely to provide suitable habitat for the truffle due to their calcareousness. Based on their observations, Buntgen et al.(2012), are inclined to the idea that climatic change and more so reduced summer precipitation and increased temperatures are the cause for truffle yields in the Mediterranean basin the natural habitat of T. melanosporum. Mello et al. (2006), in their analysis claim that the reduction in future summer rainfall coupled with summer aridity will result in drought repellent strain of T. melanosporum within its natural setting or statistical distribution range. Samils, et al, (2008) in their research predict that the expected drop in truffle harvest in the Mediterranean region, will have a significant impact not only on the local tourism, but the agriculture as well as the global prices of this valuable commodity. This is most likely to increase the value of other varieties with artificial metabolism and not specific to the requirements of their ecological niche as the T. melanosporum (Mello et al., 2006Gallot, 1999). This force see an increase in T. aestivum cultivation in areas where traditionally T. melanosporum was predominant as well as an increase in demand of truffle from non-traditional T. melanosporum producing regions foreign Europe (Buntgen et al., 2012).Splivallo et al. (2012), in their analysis of the Burgundy truffle, suggest that the change in climatic conditions that were said to have begun a century ago has no impact on the flow burgundy truffle distribution. However, they concur with Buntgen et al.(2012) on the impact of climatic change on species with narrower ranges such as the French black truffle, Perigord or Tuber melanosporum, and Italy a combination of Piedmont and Umbria. They support this by claiming that if the climate fails to restrict the distribution of these two species, then even a slight temperature increase in northern Europe as predicted by Buntgen et al. (2012) might result in its northern expansion. They confirm what Chevalier et al.(2001) had outlined that rainfall, soil composition are also factors that contribute to the decline in the production of Perigord. Splivallo et al. (2012), concur with Buntgen et al.(2012) assertion that other options will be needed to avert the looming shortage of this truffle species, success cultivation lies in orchard farming as a change from the current empirical practices. They claim that cultivation of truffle in a bid to mitigate the effects of climate change which is a major cause of the decline should be based on scientific evidence. Therefore, the rise in temperature, in its self, will not be sufficient for the shift of truffle production in the northern European region (Splivallo et al., 2012).Methodology and Procedure3.1 Research DesignThis study will adopt a miscellaneous methods research design. This process entails collecting and analysing info using both quantitative and qualitative method s to understand the research fuss comprehensively. When both qualitative and quantitative methods are combined in research, they supplement each other allowing a comprehensive analysis of the research problem (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003). According to Charles & Mertler (2002), quantitative methods deal with numeral data using cause-effect deductions, hypothesis testing, and observations to develop an understanding of the research issue. On the other hand, qualitative methods require the researcher to develop a complete picture of the research issues by conducting an in-depth analysis of words, as well as, compiled reports by the study participants. In this approach, the researcher adopts a constructivist approach to have a complete understanding of the problem centred on different contextual aspects (Charles & Mertler, 2002). In the mixed research methods, the uses pragmatic philosophy by affirming that truth is what works. Therefore, mixed methods integrate both text and numerica l data to give a clear overview of the research problem. In this regard, this study will use hatfuls and interviews since they are the most popular data collection research tools (Creswell, 2002). In the first step of data collection, a web-based survey will be used, and data analysed using discriminant function. The qualitative method will involve semi-structured interviews to collect textual data from people to regarding the decline of Truffles.3.2 Research SampleThe target population sample will be about 1,200 environmentalists and hoteliers in France regarding the decline of truffles. These individuals are people who have been working in the hotel and environmental sectors in France. For the first quantitative stage of the research, a convenience sample will be chosen comprising individuals analyze truffles decline, locals, and environmentalists, as well as, hoteliers. For the qualitative phase of the research, a smaller sample will be used to understand the main issue regar ding the decline of French truffle (Creswell, 2002, p. 194). This is to chink the selected participants will give appropriate answers to the research questions. Besides, for the qualitative part of the research, participants will be notified of their selection for voluntary follow-up individual interviews. given up the use of mixed methods research in the study, selection of participants for the qualitative part will rely on the outcomes of the quantitative stage. The use of this approach will ensure the researcher gets a multidimensional outlook of the research problem. For this research, the participants will be chosen centred on the statistically significant difference outcomes of the discriminant function analysis.3.3 Data CollectionFor the quantitative phase of the research, a cross-sectional survey will be used this implies that statistics will be gathered at one point in time (McMillan, 2000). The survey used for this research will be of different formats including multiple choices, yes/no questions, self-evaluation items, and open-ended questions. The questionnaire will comprise twenty four questions divided as into six sections. The first section will contain questions regarding truffles and the participants understanding of truffles measured on a 7-point Likert scale. The second part will guess the participants awareness regarding the decline of truffles using a 7-point scale. The third part will provide information regarding the factors participants believe to cause a decline in truffles. The current issues regarding management of truffles will constitute the fourth part while the fifth segment will provide data answering how ecological factors influence truffles survival. demographic questions will be in the sixth part of the survey regarding data about the participants age, residency, gender, and employment among others. Besides, the final question in the survey will be open-ended asking for additional information about truffles decline in Fra nce. The survey will be web-based accessible through a URL steer given to the participants.For the qualitative method, in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews will be used to collect data. Half of the research sample will be interviewed regarding the research question. Historical texts will be further used to validate the data collected from the interviews. The interviews will include twenty open-ended questions pilot-tested before the interviews. The interviews questions will be formulated based on the results from the quantitative method. During the interview, the participants will be debriefed to obtain reliable information for the interview questions though, they will be issued with the questions prior to the interviews. The interviews will be tape preserve with the participants consent and a copy of the transcript emailed to them after the interview. The respondents will also be allowed to review their answers for the interview transcripts to ascertain their correctn ess.3.4 Data AnalysisPrior to the statistical analysis of the survey results, the data will be screened on both univariate and multivariate levels. This will help the research detect any multicollinearity in the collected data. Any data that shows a high probability in another category will be excluded during the analysis since they may give a poor model pop off (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2000). The researchs data screening will entail descriptive statistics for the variables, linearity and homoscedasticity, normality, multivariate outliers, multicollinearity and singularity. The descriptive statistics will be tabulated, and a frequencys analysis conducted to determine the validity of the survey questions. The discriminant function analysis will be used to determine the proportion by which the variables differ, and classify the functions into predictable groups. The results will then be reported in the form of discussion. Nonetheless, all the statistical analyses will be conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS) edition 11.0.In most qualitative research, data collection and analysis progress concurrently. For the qualitative analysis, data collected from the interviews will be coded and analysed for premises using the soft Software and Research (QSR) N6 for qualitative data analysis. Furthermore, a visual data display will be used to identify the relationship in the data collected from the interviews. Data analysis for this phase of the research will involve creating a comprehensive description of the results the researcher situates the causes in its context to make the case descriptions, and premises related to particular activities in the studys outcomes (Creswell & Maitta, 2002). The researcher will construe the meaning of the results and describe them in the discussion section of the research proposal.BibliographyAmaranthus, M., 2007. Independent Truffle Experts Report in Product Disclosure Statement for the Oak Valley Truffle P roject. Oak Valley Project.Buntgen, U. et al., 2012. Drought-induced decline in Mediterranean truffle harvest. NatureClimate Change, 2, pp.827-29.Carey, A.B., Colgan, W., Trappe, J.M. & Molina, R., 2000. Effects of forest management ontruffle abundance and squirrel diets. 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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Response to Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are Essay

Amy Cuddy was an intelligent young woman who was known to be smart and gifted until the age of 19, when she had encountered a horrific car accident. After this accident, Amy woke up in a head injury rehab ward. Her head injury had ca drug abused her IQ to drop by two cadence deviations and she had to withdrawal from college. From having a core identity as being smart to the knowledge of her decrease in IQ had left Amy completely world-beaterless. She felt as if her identity had been taken away from her and had lost the confidence that she once had.She tried several times to get back into college and to watch over her education but they unbroken telling her that college was no longer meant for her and that she should consider a nonher path. However, she kept trying without giving up. After struggles and chances, Amy had verit equal to(p)(a)tu ally alumd from college, 4 years after than her peers. She later spoke with an adviser, whom had helped her get into Princeton University .Amy Cuddy possessed certain qualities that allowed her to be successful after the car accident. From the intrapersonal or self-awareness realm, the quality that Amy contained was self-regard. Self-regard is to not only notice all the positive aspects of oneself, but to be fully aware of the less positive aspects as well and the individual continues to keep their head held high at the kindred time.Although knowing that her IQ level had dropped drastically, Amy Cuddy still held herself on high regards and kept trying to get back into College. This was emotionally and academically hard for Amy, but even when she was told that college was not meant for her and that she should consider following another path, she did not give up but kept trying. Although it was four years later than her peers, she still did manage to graduate from college.From the Intrapersonal realm that focuses on relationships with others, Amy contains the quality of developing a meaningful intrapersonal relationshi p with her adviser. This means to have healthy boundaries, to have a good intimacy and to use dynamic communication skills. Amy had good intimacy with her adviser and had convinced her adviser that she was qualified and that she had potential to examine Princeton University.Amy also contains the adaptability realm. This realm focuses on how an individual is able to handle different situations. Individuals who are strong in this field are able to be managing when things go unexpectedly. When Amy had finally gotten into Princeton University, at first she was afraid and was not as confident. She even consulted her adviser the day before her Princeton presentation and told her that she quits. Her angel adviser had given her this unique advise and told her to fake confidence, to fake it even if she was terrified and to do it until she gets to the point in which she realizes that she is actually doing it. Amy followed her advisers guidance and with success had continued her education.Th rough research, Amy recognizes stress-reducing skills. People who are more familiar and undergo in this area often discover stress-reducing skills. They come up with certain ways to soothe and calm themselves from the stress that they encounter. She learns about the cortisol levels and how body spoken communication plays an important role on the confidence and success level of an individual.After performing an experiment, Amy concludes that people with high power have a 25% decrease in the amount of cortisol while people with low power have a 15% increase in the amount of cortisol. She also concludes by means of the experiment that changing posture for a few minutes can actually change your life in meaningful ways. Performing high power poses tends to increase the confidence level of individuals, which leads them to perform their task successfully.From the general mood realm, Amy possesses the quality of optimism. Optimism allows individuals to analyze their situation realistical ly and in a positive manner. This character gives them a sense of hope that there will be benefits without believing that unrealistic conditions may occur. In my opinion I believe that Amy was initially an hopeful person and even after her car accident, deep down she still was.Without being optimistic, Amy wouldnt have been able to convince herself to go back to college and to pursue her education. She was told that she wasnt meant for college but she did not give up. When speaking to her adviser, her adviser must have seen great potential in Amy for her to make the decision of making arrangements for Amy to attend Princeton.Amy showed her adviser the potential she had and proved to her that she was qualified. Without the optimism she wouldnt have been able to convince her adviser. Amy did however want to give up right before the Princeton presentation, but thats because she doubted herself and she felt out of placed, but what brought her through college and to the adviser was the optimistic trait that she possessed. She could of gave up right after her car accident when she was told that college was not for her, but she did not.By analyzing the emotional intelligence and academic realm, it can be said that Amy contains the quality of reducing impulsivity. Amy wanted to go to college although she was told that college was no longer an option for her. She knew that college might be more challenging for her and that she would finish college later than her peers. However, throughout the struggles, Amy knew that the outcome would be positive. When told to find another option than college, she could of easily found another way, but her last to go to college and to pursue an education helped her begin her journey. She had a clear sense of what she wished to accomplish and chose to sacrifice time to reach her goal.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Long walk Essay

I have no friend, Marg bet when I am glowing with the frenzy of success, there entrust be none to participate my joy if I am assailed by disappoint ment, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection. (Page 5) -Robert Walton -Letter 2 It relates to the ascendent of isolation, he believes he is besides good for anyone, nobody matched to his intelligence therefore he is alone. He is also ambitious he wants to be known for discovering something. You seek for noesis and wisdom, as I once did and I ardently hope that the rapture of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been. (Page 16) -Robert Walton-Letter 4 This is foreshadowing, achiever is saying that he hopes that Waltons thirst for knowledge and adventure not turn into ruin as his fate was before him. Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the skill of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires t o become greater than his disposition will allow. (Page 43) -Victor Frankenstein -Chapter 4 He is advising Walton to believe more in his family and town rather than to seek knowledge because with great knowledge brings great destruction if not used in the correct way.Plus to eternally follow living as nature will allow and to not defy it. Life and decease appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. (Page 44) -Victor Frankenstein -Chapter 4 He wanted to implore the fine line between life and death, this was when his curiosity into the matter began to stir. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation yet now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. (Page 48) -Victor Frankenstein -Chapter 5He believed his dream to be that of beauty and accomplishment rather he created a monster o f such hideous attributes that is disgusts him that he was adequate to create such a thing. flash of lightning illuminated the object and discovered its shape plainly to me its massive stature, and the deformity of its aspect, more hideous than belongs to humanity, instantly informed me that it was the wretch, the filthy demon to whom I had given life (Page 69) -Victor Frankenstein-Chapter 7 He goes on to further talk about the hideousness of the monster, he describes the horrid description in great detail, he compares his creation to the devil, thus implying bible stories. The sublime and magnificent scenes afford me the greatest puff I was capable of receiving. (Page 92) -Victor Frankenstein -Chapter 10 This is a romantic feature it describes nature, landscape and scenery and how victor feels at peace when surrounded by it. This is once he creates the monster and abandons it in venerate.All men hatred the wretched how then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things stock-still you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the disintegration of one of us. (Page 95) -The Monster -Chapter 10 The Monster is explaining to Frankenstein his hurt and anguish because he left him after creating him, he relates it to god and being Adam. This is where the monster begins to feel the emotion of betrayal.When I lookedaround I saw and perceive of none like me. Was I, a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned? (Page 119) -The Monster -Chapter 13 This is identity crisis, he begins to ask himself questions about who he is, he is in a dilemma within himself. Thanks to the lessons of Felix and the sanguinary laws of man, I had learned now to work mischief I bent over her, and placed the portrait securely in one of the folds of her dress. She moved again, and I fled.The theme of revenge, the monster has now realized that he will never be accepted by humanit y, so is cunning and knowledge is revealed when he tricks them into thinking Janine killed William. I am alone and miserable man will not associate with me but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not refuse herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create. (Page 146) -The Monster -Chapter 16The Monster wishes for Victor to create a monster just as him, so he has a companion, this is the climax in the story. This shows that the monster understands the meaning of family and being together and that is what he wants. I will revenge my injuries if I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear and chiefly towards you my arch-enemy, because my creator, do I range inextinguishable hatred. Have a care I will work at your destruction, nor finish until I desolate your heart, so that you shall curse the hour of your birth. (Page 148) -The Monster -Chapter 17This shows that if he cannot be loved by people and be part of a famil y, he will make people suffer and fear him, he will take revenge on those who did not like him, he is angry at the fact that victor left him and thus will destroy him. Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master obey (Page 172) -The Monster -Chapter 20What you create can always overcome you the monster says that even though victor created him, he still has the power above him. come on depth on the theme revenge. You can blast my other passions, but revenge remainsrevenge, henceforward dearer than light of food I may die, but first you, my tyrant and acheor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery. (Page 173) -The Monster -Chapter 20 Revenge is his main focus and is emphasized now, The monster is very angry and wishes to torment victor. He goes from calling him my creator to my tyrant and tormentor.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Beijing EAPS Consulting, Inc.

The case study, capital of Red China EAPS Consulting, Inc. in the Custom Book, (2011), examines the hurl focus body mental synthesis of the Beijing EAPS Consulting (BEC) political party. This case study also addresses rough shake off plan itself and how the co- releaseers ar struggling with this confabulation between both mangers. This project plan has show many strengths and weakness. The one social occasion that the project plan strikes put into action is safeguards to in authoritative that the project is completed on time. BEC has taken on the matrix organizational structure.This type of structure combines functional and divisional organization structure styles. There are advantages and disadvantages in utilizing this type of organizational structure. Advantages embarrass resource utilization, specialization, print functional areas, communication and flexibility. Resource utilization allows for the project departmental coachs to focus on their strengths. Also, it al lows for the autobuss to all the nominateers to fix in an area of important for that project. In turn, it uses people a thwart the company who specialize in a field that relates to the project at hand.This matrix structure permits cross departmental communication and flexibility to prevail on different projects crossways the company structure. ( Guzman, 2012) However, with advantages come disadvantage with this type of matrix organizational structure. This structure increases complexity within the organization by leading to confusion among both workers and managers. The managers may not fill out what a certain employee has on their plate. In reverse, the employee will obtain an overload of work because they are receiving work from two different types of managers.Another disadvantage is an increase in overhead cost for the company due to the need for double management. This double management lavatory lead to confusion between managers as to who has the higher anteriority of w ork creating a power struggle. (Johnson, 2012) The case study, Beijing EAPS Consulting, Inc. in the Custom Book, (2011), reveals many advantages and disadvantages to this matrix organizational structure. For instance, the project manager, Ms. Song, and the departmental manager, Mr. Yang, are having a problem deciding who makes the final decisions on work to be completed because they are the same level in the management structure.Ms. Song feels deal she does not obtain the authority to give deportion to Mr. Yangs employees. She is also wary about asking Mr. Yang to give his employees work from her because of his temperament. The loud and abrasive attitude of Mr. Yang represents the rational personality type. A rational trait is more impellent and can modernise angry quickly. (Lewis, 2003) Mr. Yang knows he has this type of personality however, he does not do anything to sprain this problem when he notices that Ms. Song is not communicating with him.Also, the employees do not k now which manager to see to or how to prioritize their work at hand. This causes more conflict between the employees, the project manager and departmental managers. In addition, these employees are not sure if the project manager or the department manager is their direct supervisor. This in turn causes conflict between both managers. There are some strengths and weaknesses that aim been make clear about the project plan in the case study, Beijing EAPS Consulting, Inc. in the Custom Book, (2011).These weaknesses include an overload of individual and police squad projects. The employees need to work extra hours to keep up with tight deadlines. They are also working across department lines meaning they have to brook the demands of more than one manager at a time. When urgent matters arise they are required to add the new work to meet a new deadline on top of the current work load which now causes more distort on the employees and managers. On the other side, some of the strengths include being more efficient and market-oriented. These strengths will foster the company grow in size and profit.Also, being a matrix structure allows for multiple cross functional groups to work together. This functions the company work in a team milieu with collaboration across all departmental boarders. Kloppenborg, Shriberg, and Venkattaman in Project Leadership (2003) discuss many factors about working in a team environment and the type of team behavior that is needed to foster balance the elaborateness and management problems facing the Beijing EAPS Consulting company. To begin, the team environment needs a leader that is committed to the company and to them.This leader also needs knowledge of the project at hand, as well as the skills to do facilitated the project completion. Also, within this team environment it is a good idea to bring in the team members to participate in the 5 classical team development steps. These include forming, storming, norming, preforming a nd adjourning. By bringing in the entire team, a sense of community and rapport is built with the rest of the team. This helps to create a split cohesive and happier team environment. Team behavior is very important for a growing company like BEC. They need to make sure that heir employees have the correct company vision and attitude to expand. bingle of the big factors in getting a team together is to make sure that they socialize. They need to get to know each other and to apprehend their team members backgrounds both personally and professionally, along with their skills and behaviors they emanate. This will help lead to respect within the team environment. One of the major factors BEC is missing within its team environment is ground rules and codes of conduct. This helps the team share in understanding and expectations of the team as a whole.This implementation would help promote the correct behavior for any given situation within the team environment. These rules would also let them know who is in charge and who they report to for a specific project or goal they have been assigned. (Exforsys, 2010). Once you have a team in place, the next important goal is to make sure that your projects are completed on time. There are many ways safeguards and project planning can be done to mitigate the risk of being late for a project completion. The first thing that would need to be done is a Work Base Structure (WBS).This would insure that all aspects of the project have been planned out with timelines and agendums of smaller milestones. The WBS would take into narration any risk management planning that would need to occur along with any communication planning. Another great safeguard is to lay down on some time to the end of the project deadline for any unforeseen events but have a set firm deadline. This firm deadline will give the project team a sense of business to get the project done within that timeframe. This is a commitment from, not just the company , but the sponsors, team and project managers.In saying that, the project manager would need to track the mature of the work completed and the schedule to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Once milestones are met upper management would be notified as to the progress of the project. (Phillips, 2004) Every company needs a designed structure for communication between employees and management. The employees need to understand the reporting structure up though management and whether they are reporting to a project manager or a department manager However, it is not just the employees that need this definition of reporting structure but the managers need it as well.When the project manager is developing the team they need to create a community type of feeling within the team environment. This will help to insure that there is communication and good rapport with the team. Finally, making sure that a team stays on track and meets deadlines is a major under taking for the projec t manager. They need to build a WBS and take into account safeguards to insure that deadlines are met.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

American Renaissance

The American rebirth period is widely acknowledged as the countrys richest time in literature. It was during this years that legendary writers like Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne lived and do their contributions. According to Woodlief (2001), calling the time between 1840-1865 a renaissance or rebirth is a misnomer because thither was no rebirth of greatness in American literature or culture. This period was, in fact, the scratch line era of maturity for American literature. For the first time, literary figures sought and established their marks in the world. literary works of great value were published and influenced society.Writers of this time were struggling to establish the American identity as opposed to the British and other Europeans. They were looking for ways to realize their potentials in order to satisfy one-on-one egos and rise above what they perceived as social concerns. The search for identity was deeper for it delves into the individuals military position and role in society. Considering the short period that American literature blos whateverd and flourished, one would wonder what brought on the sudden burst of literary enthusiasm. There are no distinct and clear-cut explanations for this, only speculations.Some believe that literature became popular because at this point, America was well established as an independent nation. The society was ready to indulge its senses as realistic matters were settled. Publishers became available to print and distribute materials for a open that was ready to embrace new thoughts and expand its pick up and knowledge. The social structure, perhaps, too contributed to this golden age in literature. There were many an(prenominal) clashing ideas and realities that gave rise to many American Renaissance 2 inspirations for writers.The society was also rich enough to afford patronizing writers, and anew class emerged who sought cultural enrichment. American writers during the Renaissance struggled to be original and different from Europes acclaimed literary figures. Because of this desire to establish identity, the writers questioned and found wanting established norms. The questions and wonderings turned into a distinct style of writing that was exclusive to America. literary writers of this time sought new roots that would require mortalal involvement in a meaningful level. They wanted to escape the cloying tendencies of tradition and the increasingly materialistic drive of their time.In a way, the renaissance writers could be considered rebels. They rebelled against restraints imposed by classic dogmas and traditions. Society and literary cultures were skillful of clashing moralities and ambiguousness that literary responses became expected and natural. In literature, the classic school advocated form more than the perception or the senses, a drill that the Renaissance writers changed. In short, individuation was collective in this period. American Renaissance writers sty le of writing exhibited little restraint and fewer adherences to traditional styles and forms. They wrote according to how they think they should.In their works, the writers were more foc apply on inspiration and emotion sooner than following conventional styles. The American way of writing was centered on human race temperament and the person as an individual. From Emerson to Dickens, the individual was always encouraged to be the best he can be. Emotions and the reactions against realities in the society were also favorite subjects among writers. Writers also often talked of nature and how it was lost to industrialism and modernism. American Renaissance 3 The writers used literature to explore and discover the wonder of what had been lost to progress.They turned to nature for inspiration and ideas. Writers also wrote reactions and opinions about slavery and its abolishment. The writers even declared their independence from Britain. By doing so, the American writers showed that their writings were distinct and bewilder their own brand. The writers during this time knew and influence each others thoughts and works. They wrote and respond to each others writings, but they would insist that each was an individualist. Literary forms included tales of slavery novels whose themes were moralistic or political poetry and the transcendentalism began by Ralph Waldo Emerson.These writings unnatural society in great measures. Some dictated proper behavior for women and men. Some were intended to locomote political issues and help fuel the movement for the abolition of slavery, Despite the public opinion opposing emancipation, writers back up and advocated for abolitionism. umpteen writings were also published to allow Americans to think back on their past in order to establish their individualization. To thoroughly understand the American Renaissances style of writing and its characteristics, it is necessary to discuss some of the great ones who graced the era.A bolitionism Ralph Waldo Emerson was considered by many literary scholars as the proverbial match who sparked the literary creativity of his time. Many of his contemporary writers followed his doctrines and his influence remained long after he died. As an essayist, poet, and philosopher, he made the famous The American Scholar obstetrical delivery, which is deemed to be the formal declaration American Renaissance 4 of Americas intellectual independence, presumably, this means the memorial tablet of American literary writers as serious writers comparable to their peers in Europe.In his time, Emerson was the leader of the American Transcendentalist movement, which was a company of people who protested against the prevalence of materialism in the society. The members of this group embraced new literary, cultural, religious and philosophical ideas in rejection to societal norms and concerns. Among his many accomplishments, Emerson was notably known for his 1844 vocabulary that descri bed his thoughts and position regarding slavery in the country. This speech was the first time that Emerson admitted openly to the public that he was for abolition.The abolitionist movement in the United States was in full swing by the time of the American Renaissance. As such, it was often used as subject for literary discourse and debates. Emerson, one of the literary giants of the period, was one of its biggest supporters. In his speech, the writer spoke against slavery even if public opinion was against abolition. Before Emerson made his famous speech, Henry David Thoreau helped convinced people to attend and listen to the speech. Lockard (2004) say that Thoreau went door-to-door to ensure attendance.Emersons public rhetoric traced the history of slavery and the horrors associated with it. In keeping with his advocacy for individualism and the sense of self, Emerson informed the public that he welcomed the participation of the African-Americans in political discourse and self-d etermination. His overall speech was centered on the emancipation of the slaves and welcoming them as equals in society. Emerson was criticized as a result of speech declaring his true position on slavery. But despite this setback, he did not lose his place as the foremost literary master of the time. American Renaissance 5 IndividualismIndividualism was the central theme of the American Renaissance. It embodied the concept that a person must and always question the conventions of society. The individual should challenge accepted intellectual, as well as religious, ideals. Individualism requires a person to govern his thoughts and actions based on his personal standards rather than the dictates of society. It encouraged freedom of expression and the rejection of conventional ideas in order to foster growth. As an ardent assistant of Emerson, Henry David Thoreau followed his philosophies and applied them to his own writings and in his personal life.In relation to Emersons doctrine o n self-reliance, Thoreau spread out this thought and considered individual freedom as societys highest ideal. He explored individualism as a writer, a man, and as an intellectual. To do this, Thoreau left the society he knew and lived where he was in closer contact with the natural world. As an individual, Thoreau wanted to explore new aspects of his existence and personality. By living along, he sought to discover a new self that was unencumbered by traditions and conventions. As an intellectual, he wanted to know how he would remodel his life away from the established norms of a complex societal structure.As a writer, Thoreau experimented with different styles that reflected his individuality. His writings were the carrefour of careful study. His essays were his experiences his poetry and prose reflected a thorough attention to languages nuances. Thoreau got his inspiration from nature. Studying nature and getting invigorate by it later became a traditional mark of individual ism. Thoreaus focus on nature was his way of abject away from the traditions of a materialistic society. By moving away and living in a place far from the so-called civilized American Renaissance 6 society, Thoreau escaped and transcended the lures of the world.His voluntary exile and contain to nature was also a form of sacrifice and self-renewal. By successfully turning to nature as his expression of individualism, Thoreau made his greatest legacy to the literary world. Human Nature and Morality Another person who was a part of Emersons Transcendentalist movement was Nathaniel Hawthorne, who authored The Scarlet Letter. In his stories, he repeatedly expressed his views on human nature and morality. He explored the side of humanity that is normally hidden from society. Hawthorne used human psychology to condone morality issues and ambiguities.Hawthorne did not believe that man is all good. His themes involved the wickedness of the human nature and how this flunk resulted to con flicts in society. His Puritan upbringing was also evident in the way he portrayed sinners in a strictly moral community. Hawthorne was a descendant of a Puritan New England family. In his exploration of human nature, Hawthorne questioned moral issues. Despite his background, he didnt believe in things like heaven or hell. Hawthornes individualism could be seen by means of his use of modern ideas in his themes that opposed the conservatism of the nineteenth century literature.Hawthorne used symbolism to express topics that were considered too radical in his time, like adultery and sexual conduct. Despite his being secretive and shy, he successfully wrote about sexual and moral guilt with depth. He also challenged, through his writings, the scientist and reformers of the time who dared experiment with nature. Reactions to Hawthornes brand of writing differ. Many thought his work to be sensitive, sentimental and pure. Still, in that location are those who think his works as too gloo my and moralistic.