Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pope Urban Ii and the First Crusade

pontiff Urban IIs decision to launch the starting time runs altered Medieval europium politic alin concerty, socially, and economically. The pontiff stressed the unearthly and economic immensity of the east churches and capital of Israel that had both been interpreted all over by Moslem Turks. antecedently Vikings and Muslims had been attempting to invade most Western europiuman countries and were troubling them but were soon defeated. entirely a deflower atomic number 63 countries were economically convalescent and looking for ways to expand. With the growth of the great unwashed entering the Catholic Church many a(prenominal) people were looking for ways to delight in God.Then pontiff Urban II announced a Crusade and many countries were vehement to assist in his unearthly relegating into the East. Pope Urban IIs motive to launch The First Crusade in 1096 A. D. was to recover the many east churches that had been conquered by the Muslim Turks and with the land th ey rescued they would create a Christian reconcile in Jerusalem for Christians to mesh. The soldiers were extremely concupiscent about the encounter they created the symbol of a cross with any red veridical they could find and sewed it onto their armor.The red cross became the unofficial symbol for the crusades and was worn by n archaean e real soldier in the force. The war was called the Crusade, because the word crusade is derived from the Latin word crux which means cross. Until 1065 Christians were given(p) safe travel to Jerusalem which was controlled by the Saracens but the Muslim Turks defeated them and took control of The hallowed Land. The Holy Land, which is called Jerusalem was where delivery boy was crucified, buried, and rose from the grave and is the most unutter commensurate of places for all Christians.The Saracens were another group of Muslims but were rivals with the Turks. When the Turks took control of Jerusalem they massacred 3,000 Christians that were in the city at the time and tortured all the other Christians that were left. This alarmed the Pope and he realized that the Christians needed to control the Holy Land for themselves. At the graduation exercise of Pope Urban IIs constrict into the East he declared the importance of creating a Christian State in the Holy Land. Not allowing Christians to enter the Jerusalem startled the Pope and the battle for its recuperation was important to everybody within the church.The crusaders were facing an ascending(prenominal) battle in taking on the Turks. The Turks would be fighting on their profess land and k refreshing the geography of the land as opposed to the Crusaders who were traveling into unnamed territory. Pope Urban II was widely promote to lead the Crusades himself but decided he was not fit to lead an army into battle. Seeing no one candid of controlling so much fountain and men, knights just followed their local overlords into battle. The Pope plant a Bishop nam ed Adhemar to keep the overlords working together in their conquest into the East. numerous people believed that because of the need of unified leadership there would be problems with authority that would lead to ultimate distress but Adhemar did his job of keeping counterinsurgency between the overlords. Another reason many believed The Crusaders would fail is that atomic number 63s thriftiness was just recovering from years of battles compared to the flush and stable duty economy of Turks. worry all wars, it would greet Europe a lot of money. They would need to be able to feed their soldiers, supply them with armor and weapons, and even off them when they return.With Europes economy festering it was narrowly able to sustain a war but compared to the Turks they were at a significant disadvantage. Because of their central location in the ancient world the Turks were very in(predicate) in transaction between Asia and Eastern Europe. The Turks were overconfident of their do minance in battle. They had lately expanded their territory and maintained a strong military and were used to the change conditions of Eastern Europe. The Crusaders had to march across mountains and plains under(a) the harsh sun.The Turks were surprised with the ferocity and inscription of the Crusaders. Because of this they were defeated to the surprise of people slightly Europe. Many believed that God had won the battle for them in the face of adversity. At the beginning of the war many countries across Europe revised their taxing system to dedicate sure they did not fall goldbrick during the war. All countries raised their taxes to accommodate the cost of war and that made the people in Europe worry if they would survive it passim the war.When countries interact with each other, the trading of goods usually takes place. The involved Empire consistently transfer currency with the soldiers of the many European countries fighting in the war. Disagreements about the ratio of trading currencies arose many times during the First Crusade. The french believed they were unfairly being treated for the marrow that their currency was being traded for. This began the first statute law between the two countries declaring the value of french currency.Jerusalem was very successful in the early years of its independence. They maintained close economic and political ties to all the European countries that emancipated them and provided them with an outlet into the rest of the ancient world. It was a very popular destination for religious tourism after thirty quartet years of not allowing anyone into the Holy Land. Many countries benefited from the creation of the Christian State that had very close political and economic ties to Europe.Jerusalem and the Byzantine Empire became very popular trading centers between many European countries and the unknown goods of the East. Foreign spices, paper, and alternate currencies began arriving in Europe for the masses beca use of the strategic location along Eastern trade routes. Luxurious textiles became coarse for many Europeans with imports from the far reaches of Asia. This created a young market for foreign goods from all over the world that had never been seen in Europe in the lead.Jerusalem became the link between the East and Europe bringing in a new era of goods from foreign lands. It also became the religious center for the world and was very successful. In 1099 the Pope passed away shortly before the Crusaders returned to France to celebrate their victory. His death was followed by a very successful time in Europe when the economy was flourishing nigh the world. Jerusalem became the longest standing Crusader State until it fell in 1291 when the Muslim Turks recovered and reclaimed the land they believed was theirs.

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