Friday, October 18, 2019

Biblical Exegetical Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biblical Exegetical - Research Paper Example The apostles could see Jesus transfigure into another form, a great light which covered Jesus Christ and there was a voice that came from the sky. The apostles could see each and every thing during this process and they were afraid to see bright lights everywhere and they lay on the ground but Jesus went to them and told them not to worry as this is the blessing of the God. This verse also means that the God wanted to show his blessings on Jesus in front of the apostles so that faith of apostles can get more strong and augmented. The apostles were also benefited from the transfiguration process because of the fact that there were two prophets with them, Moses and Elijah and the apostles saw that both the prophets were not given the transfiguration light at the moment. The verse also means that God can do anything he wants in front of naked human eye and there is no limitation to his glory. The other part of the verse is explaining the brightness of the light that covered Jesus Face. The light was so bright and powerful that the apostles could not bear it with their naked eye and they had to lay down. The verse explains that the transfiguration did not change the face of the Jesus rather there was bright light depicting the great glory and blessing of God. The light which also covered the clothes was clearly visible on the face and though the face was not changed but there were clearly signs of glory and holy light. Their surroundings were also lit by this light and everything was clearly visible due to this light despite of the night time. Raiment in Latin means snow and this word is used to depict and explain the massive white color of holy light that lit all the garments of the Jesus and the light darted through his flesh. All his clothes and whole body were covered under the bright white light that was coming from the sky. Mark says that the Latin word used for snow means that everything was just like the color of snow. It does not mean that snow began to su rface physically rather it is a symbolic term used here to explain the people about the factual scene. The raiment was white and snow and the light was continually coming from the sky thus making a scene worth being blessed with eternal glory. Other commentators and theologians are also of the view that the garments were there on the body of the Jesus and everything was same as before but when the transfiguration started, everything looked new and blessed because of the holy light. The raiment can also depict the flesh and physical body of Jesus because many narrations show that all this physical body and skin were covered in light and his skin was shining like snow so there can be different interpretations of this text. Commentaries The commenter Adman Clarke says in the commentary of the Mathew 17:2 that this verse explains the transfiguration process and first it affirms that Jesus was transfigured which is a great historical events and one of the miracles of Jesus Christ -He say s that this verse explains the completeness and fullness of the God who is deity or worship by the human beings that how God can turn everything over and show the miracles wherever He wants. The light on the mountain during the transfiguration , As said it Mathew 16:16, Peter had already confessed the divinity of Jesus Christ before coming to the mountain so this light dwelt and elevated the level of faith of all the apostles in Jesus (Clarke, 175). There is also a great connection between the transfigura

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