Thursday, March 19, 2020

Prime Ministerial Power essays

Prime Ministerial Power essays Prime Ministerial Power, Simon Grantham A Strong tendency in modern politics is the presidentialisation of the role of the head of Government many democracies see little more than elected monarchies. How powerful is the position of Prime Minister in the Australian system of government? Modern Politics in recent times has seen many Westminster-Style nations develop a form of Prime Ministerial Government; with a strong executive authority and all the props and accoutrements of a President. The role of the Head of Government in Australia has changed dramatically since federation, especially within the last 25 years, it is undoubtable that todays Prime Minister enjoys far more institutional advantages, media spotlight, and a great capacity to sway the decisions of Cabinet than any of his early colleagues. Looking abroad to the American system which has come to be little more than an elected monarchy, with their President exercising these new found powers which our Head of Government has just begun to develop by right, with his own independent mandate to assert personal policy direction like the US President, yet the Authority of an Australian Leader rests on far more tenuous foundations. It is central to understanding the current presidentialisation of our head of government to look at the sources and limitations on the Office of Prime Minister and adequately assess what has caused us to get to where we are today, with a Prime Ministerial Government. When looking at the issue of Prime Ministerial power one of the great sources of his power is relationship between Cabinet and the Prime Minister. Firstly, Cabinet is the engine room of government, it is responsible for the policy formulation and implementation along with the strategic outlook and goals of the Country. Chairman of this Council is the Prime Minister; an immediate power base for the leader parallel ...

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