Thursday, May 7, 2020

The And Its Effect On Human Life - 921 Words

With recent advances organ transplants have advances dew hope for the treatment of kidney, Liver diseases. However, this promise has been accompanied by several issues. The most common issue has raised its ethical implications in the culture like Muslim world, because in 1983, the Muslim Religious Council disallowed organ donations by supporters of Islam, but it has overturned its position, as long the donor s consent in writing before death.. Transplanted Islam powerfully believes in the principle of saving human life. Still, some concern needs to be addressed as attitude towards and accepting of organ donors. Caries donation varies according to social, culture and religion and the diverse culture. The Muslim religion, the traditional concept is very important to organ donors, transplanted instantly. Islam powerfully believes in the principle of saving human life. It is permitted must be to transplant an organ from a dead individual to a living person whose time or basic vital fun ction rest on on that organ, subject to the condition that consent be given by the deceased before their passing. (2010/10/20) Various schools of Islamic Law have invoked the belief that it is an urgency to save lives and have allowed organ transplant as a way to attain that principle. The purpose of this article is to briefly explore the ethical issue involved in organ donation it is the hoped that this knowledge and understanding may benefit both health care provider and the patient in theShow MoreRelatedMusic And Its Effect On Human Life894 Words   |  4 PagesSince always, music has been an important aspect in human culture because it has many applications and uses in human life. It is consider that music plays an important role to human beings, and it is reflect in many different ways. 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