Friday, November 22, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Reflection paper - Essay Example In this chapter, Ms. Wright, is a renowned psychologist and sports nutritionist has explained different cases of eating disorders. Ms. Wright emphasizes in the readings that eating disorders are not just about food. There is a much more psychological reason why eating disorders are prevalent among the youth. One of the underlying reason for such disorder is a low self-esteem derived from wrong perspective of one’s physical appearance. Thus, most young people associate their lack of physical attractiveness to their self-worth which is very dangerous since they go to extreme lengths to maintain a certain ideal figure. Ironically, the media projects unhealthy images of beauty where waif like figures become the benchmark for young people. The chapter also discussed other underlying reasons for eating disorders, among them, dealing with the trauma of being away from family and friends for the first time, dealing with new pressures and new expectations as findings from the cases of Ms Wright reveals. As a conclusion, the chapter not only details the different eating disorders but their underlying causes as well. More so, the chapter informs the reader of the significance of an intervention program for eating disorders so that further damaging effect to the affected youth at-risk would be lessened. As revealed by the study, the adolescent and youth groups are the most affected segment by eating disorders. As such, this has serious implications to school officials especially school counselors since they are in direct contact with this group most of the time. Therefore, the school must be active in identifying at-risk youth once they are admitted in the school system. The school must conduct a discrete eating disorder test once a student has applied for admission in a school. Moreover, a new student must view a presentation regarding eating disorders. Once the result of the test is released, a one-on-one consultation with the school

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