Saturday, November 2, 2019

Term paper on an aspect of American history from 1607 to 1865 or Essay

Term paper on an aspect of American history from 1607 to 1865 or history of a local community or family - Essay Example This is followed by the second phase 1763-1800 that actually handles the period of the American Revolution, focusing on the war of independence and how the new country obtained its independence through the war of independence (Sage, 27). This continues with the discussion of the life of the new nation after the independence, which focuses on the development of the American constitution. This is followed by the third phase that covers the economic, democratic and the reform advancement in America, covering also the War of 1812 (Smith, 33). This then proceeds to the last phase covering the period 1840-1865, which comprised the Texas fight for independence, the Mexican- American War and extends to the turmoil experienced by the nation in the 1850s, during the secession of the Southern States, and culminate with the American Civil War (Lee, 28). The period 1607-1763 covers the history of the formation of colonies and the form of governments that were establish to administer in these colo nies. Previously, the Native Americans lived in small groups which were surviving on Agriculture and hunting. There were different tribes that were living in America, with each of the different tribes and cultural groupings occupying a different territory (Sage, 44). It is the nature of the cultures of the Native Americans that welcomed the Europeans to come and stay in the region. Nevertheless, the arrival of the European colonists upset the balance of power that was existing before then, transferring the powers from the Natives to the colonists (Weinstein and Frank, 58). The colonists established their form of administrative governments in form of formal government structures that were headed by the governors. The governor was the official the head of the government in the colonies, whose duties included ensuring the enforcement of laws and order, appointing officials for the government and overseeing the necessary legislations that would help run the colonies. The population grew rapidly through a high immigration of people, especially from the Great Britain to the America, where there was more freedom and opportunities for the colonists (Lee, 14). The economic and social factors also had improved resulting to a high birth and survival rate of the children. All these factors served to increase the population of the Americas, while affecting the Native Americans negatively because their lands were taken over by the colonists, and thus they were forced to relinquish most of their land to the colonists. Taxes were introduced and many other restrictive laws that saw the Native Americans become consistently discontented with the presence of the colonists. This discontent was the beginning of the second face running for the period 1763-1800 (Sage, 52). Through the discontent that was experienced by the Native Americans and also stringent laws and measures that the British governments introduced to the colonies led to the great desire for change among the Native A mericans, and some of the colonists. The colonists had been administered in such a way that most of them had emerged as independent nations of some sort, with others being fully royal to the Great Britain’

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