Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Michelangelo Pieta Essay - 1407 Words

Michelangelo’s Pieta Michelangelo once said, â€Å"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.† These words have uttered in my mind over and over again, as I read them; a man with such talent and grace in his work giving glory to a higher being, whose work is more divine than we can ever imagine. A work of perfection is hard to come by in the lives of mere men, but Michelangelo’s Pieta was so close to perfection that the images in which the sculpture portrays almost comes to life. The word Piet means â€Å"pity† or â€Å"compassion† (The Crucifixion of Christ). The Pieta has come a long way through history and has been appraised by many along the way, but through it all, the good, the bad Pieta still stands with a fascinating story to†¦show more content†¦Taking a closer look, we can observe that on Christ’s hands and feet there are beautiful veins that give Pieta the appearance having life flow through the sculptu re. In addition, when we look at Mary’s hand supporting Christ under his arm, Michelangelo thought to have the skin of Christ arm rise up like it would on a real person. There are so many intricate details in this sculpture that I can’t physically describe them all. One must wonder what was Michelangelo’s inspiration; why did he create the facial expressions he did. Pietas have been done before but none like this. However, the Proportions of Pieta are not entirely natural as we can see clearly their heads are proportionate, but the Virgin Mary has a much larger body. However, Michelangelo was very clever; he was able to over dramatize the folds in Mary’s fabric to disguise her actual size. In addition, by making her body much larger, she was able to easily support the weight of her dead son lying in her lap. In these folds, Michelangelo shows his skill and artisanship (Italian Renaissance). Michelangelo used a drill to give depth to the folds in Mary†™s drapery. This gave the folds a more realistic look that was unpredictable, much like the techniques of the Greeks. I don’t know how Michelangelo was able sculpt such magnificent works of art and never sketch out his work before diving in, and chiseling stone away. Michelangelo always thought of stones like this â€Å"Every block of stone has a statue inside itShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"The Pieta† by Michelangelo Essay1238 Words   |  5 Pagesartist is Michelangelo Buonarroti; an Italian artist renowned for his famous fine pieces of arts. The Pieta piece of art is among some of the works that were sculptured by this particular artist. The name is an Italian word that means pity or compassion. With regards to this work this paper will through research provide its details with regards to more information about it, the artist, history as well as its background. History, Background and Theme of the â€Å"Pieta† Piece of Art The Pieta as a masterRead MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words   |  6 Pagesmusic, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. Finally, list at least six individuals and their work that provides examples from your discussion.† Comprehensive Essay The transition of art (incorporating the art spanning from paintings and architecture) from the Gothic Age all the way to the High Renaissance was, in my opinion; one of the most physical forms of the development and growth of the European cultureRead MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words   |  6 Pagesmusic, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature Essay - 2003 Words

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature The hoards of advertisements on television, in newspapers, and magazines, use whatever means in order to catch the attention of the viewer. They have gone so far as to use animals and nature in any form they wish. This is far more than just a moneymaking scheme, it is a representation of the relationship between nature and the advancing and dominant culture. It almost seems that the more technologically advanced a culture becomes, the more distant the relationship there is to nature. It is because of this that we are left to view the images that are put before us by others. Buying that carton of orange juice in the grocery store looks more appetizing if the pictures depict the oranges on the tree,†¦show more content†¦When we look at the advertisement, the consumer is being offered the ability to obtain this natural product when they themselves can not grow it on a farm. The manufacturer attempts to work with this knowledge that the consumer that lives in the city is distant from the farmland that produces the fruits and vegetables and can therefore only rely on what is offered. Yet, the more the product seems closer to being natural, the closer it brings the consumer to nature, this is done by the imagery we see in the advertisement. The way in which images of nature are put all over the illustration and used to serve the purpose of selling a product is an art, and the manufacturer becomes an artist. This process is not much different from the photo booths that will take a picture of you head and paste it on someone elses. It is this type of artistry that subjects a thing of power in order to power the artist and is mentioned by Joyce Carol Oates when she comments on the fact that these representations help create and power the product. When Sun Raisin uses the pictures of farms and the natural grown fruits, which represent nature, to power the selling of their product they are implying natures passivity. I say this because nature is silent and is not much different than the silent woman that is shown picking fruits and vegetables. This idea is similar to the pastoral view which Carolyn Merchant speaks of, she says that the pastoral traditionShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation And The Civil Rights Movement1407 Words   |  6 Pagesviewed as harmful to social progress. Therefore, artists like Parliament-Funkadelic that called for black education, business ownership, and economic empowerment were dismissed as disturbing voices that aggravated peace. Feeling threatened, white culture launched a counteroffensive against funk, using the white-dominated record industry to â€Å"[banish] it to Black radio and local neighborhoods† (Morant 74). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Wonders of Planet Earth Free Essays

‘The perpetual cycle of change which has created the face of the Earth, with all its rugged and Fascinating variety usually happens too slowly to be noticed. But occasionally it is rapid and Violent. Volcanoes disgorge molten lava, earthquakes rip open the landscape, landslides, carry away Whole mountainsides. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wonders of Planet Earth or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then human beings become aware of the awesome forces that are shaping Their planet. These forces are fuelled by three powerful sources of energy – heat from within the Earth, heat from the Sun, and the force of gravity. Every landform in the world has been shaped by these ttu. ee energy sources. ‘the continents that drift across the surface of the globe, setting off volcanoes and earthquakes and Building mountains. are driven by heat from the Earth’s interior which has a temperature of about 5000†³C (9000’F). Most of this heat is created by the breakdown of radioactive elements. Earth is unique among the planets of the Solar System in having liquid water on the surface and water has a major role in shaping the planet. The warmth of the Sun evaporates water from seas and lakes. The vapor rises and condenses to form clouds and then falls again as rain and snow. It is then that its landscaping powers begin, weathering rocks and washing away the loose material. or grinding down the landscape under the power of a glacier. The Sun’s heat also produces the rain and the waves that scour the land. The third force – gravity – causes the tides, which nibble away at the edges of continents, and landslides. hich alter the shape of mountains. Under the influence of gravity. rain works its way downwards as streams and rivers, carving the terrain. On its journey, it carries fragments of rock and sand to be deposited on the ocean floor. And over thousands of years more rock which may then be buckled and lifted up by movement of the Earth’s crust to form new mountains. {source: Readers Digest, Discovering the Wonders of our World A guide to natures Sciences marvels] How to cite The Wonders of Planet Earth, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Essay Sample free essay sample

In an aggressive concern universe where employees are to transport. and carry on them self’s in a professional mode. The behavior from an employee can rate on several degrees. There is a degree of concern moralss and ethical motives. and a degree within a person’s personal legislative act. Within a concern there is a all right line between personal moralss and personal moralss. Even though personal moralss and ethical motives are related in some manner within an single character. ethical motives. and moralss are besides applied in the concern universe. An account of concern moralss focuses on the behavior through rules. outlooks. and norms. which governs an single individual or group. Ethical motives besides stresses on a degree with the societal system were ethical motives are applied. Without equal ethical motives to act upon ethical behaviour at work employees come upon concerns and issues that affect the manner employees will execute and act at their work ( De Georg e. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2010 ) . The distinction between moral issues and ethical issues is how a person’s conducts his or her character and behaviour in a on the job environment. As portion of a concern. moral issues are an employee’s misconduct in the workplace. Business is a portion of human activities where employees receive an rating on his or her activity. In a concern environment a moral background is an activity. which receives an rating from the employers. If this moral activity is non a pattern an employee is executing in an immoral behaviour and can put the employee at hazard for expiration. Immorality is present in an organisation merely as it exists in other facets in a person’s life. When an employee does non follow criterions. or neglects ethical guidelines he or she is at degree of hazard. Ethical issues pertain to when an employee may fall out of the guidelines and execute in an unprofessional manner. As a concern employers employees these persons. as he or she must follow the c orrect guidelines. The employer must implement the guidelines to the employee. and the employees are expected to cognize and understand upon his or her hire and managed through the guidelines given by human resources or direction ( De George. 2010 ) . The difference between personal moralss and concern moralss is the beginning of outlooks. Personal moralss are the behaviours and single learns and collects through clip from young person throughout his or her maturity. Personal moralss are the norms and criterions persons apply in their mundane lives in which he or she have had from early childhood. Business ethics is a behavior particular to a group of employees in an organisation scene and patroling guidelines reciprocally understood by employees. Business moralss come from upper direction they are a portion or extension of quality from direction. When ethical jobs exist wherever organisation is executing concern around the Earth and employees witness or see this behavior. Ethical misconduct may affect employees and their clients where parties are portion of bad behaviour. Some ethical behaviours stem from employees who can non be trainable and garbage rehabilitation as these types of persons were non brought up with proper values. There are several illustrations of immoral and ethical issues at the workplace. One illustration of immoral issue in a concern occurs when an employee is responsible for utilizing his or her company laptop for company purposes merely. Some employees abuse this by look intoing personal electronic mails during company clip. Some employees even do prep from their company laptop. and they do it during company clip besides. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and unethical. Another illustration occurs when an employee paperss clip when he or she is working from place but in world he or she are non using him or her self’s to the work undertakings assign to them. Mentions De George. R. T. ( 2010 ) . Business Ethics ( 7th ed. ) . Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Supermex. L. K. . A ; Welson. K. A. ( 2007 ) . Pull offing Business Ethical motives. Straight Talk About How To Make It Right ( 4th ed. ) . Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.