Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Michelangelo Pieta Essay - 1407 Words

Michelangelo’s Pieta Michelangelo once said, â€Å"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.† These words have uttered in my mind over and over again, as I read them; a man with such talent and grace in his work giving glory to a higher being, whose work is more divine than we can ever imagine. A work of perfection is hard to come by in the lives of mere men, but Michelangelo’s Pieta was so close to perfection that the images in which the sculpture portrays almost comes to life. The word Piet means â€Å"pity† or â€Å"compassion† (The Crucifixion of Christ). The Pieta has come a long way through history and has been appraised by many along the way, but through it all, the good, the bad Pieta still stands with a fascinating story to†¦show more content†¦Taking a closer look, we can observe that on Christ’s hands and feet there are beautiful veins that give Pieta the appearance having life flow through the sculptu re. In addition, when we look at Mary’s hand supporting Christ under his arm, Michelangelo thought to have the skin of Christ arm rise up like it would on a real person. There are so many intricate details in this sculpture that I can’t physically describe them all. One must wonder what was Michelangelo’s inspiration; why did he create the facial expressions he did. Pietas have been done before but none like this. However, the Proportions of Pieta are not entirely natural as we can see clearly their heads are proportionate, but the Virgin Mary has a much larger body. However, Michelangelo was very clever; he was able to over dramatize the folds in Mary’s fabric to disguise her actual size. In addition, by making her body much larger, she was able to easily support the weight of her dead son lying in her lap. In these folds, Michelangelo shows his skill and artisanship (Italian Renaissance). Michelangelo used a drill to give depth to the folds in Mary†™s drapery. This gave the folds a more realistic look that was unpredictable, much like the techniques of the Greeks. I don’t know how Michelangelo was able sculpt such magnificent works of art and never sketch out his work before diving in, and chiseling stone away. Michelangelo always thought of stones like this â€Å"Every block of stone has a statue inside itShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"The Pieta† by Michelangelo Essay1238 Words   |  5 Pagesartist is Michelangelo Buonarroti; an Italian artist renowned for his famous fine pieces of arts. The Pieta piece of art is among some of the works that were sculptured by this particular artist. The name is an Italian word that means pity or compassion. With regards to this work this paper will through research provide its details with regards to more information about it, the artist, history as well as its background. 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