Monday, December 23, 2019

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature Essay - 2003 Words

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature The hoards of advertisements on television, in newspapers, and magazines, use whatever means in order to catch the attention of the viewer. They have gone so far as to use animals and nature in any form they wish. This is far more than just a moneymaking scheme, it is a representation of the relationship between nature and the advancing and dominant culture. It almost seems that the more technologically advanced a culture becomes, the more distant the relationship there is to nature. It is because of this that we are left to view the images that are put before us by others. Buying that carton of orange juice in the grocery store looks more appetizing if the pictures depict the oranges on the tree,†¦show more content†¦When we look at the advertisement, the consumer is being offered the ability to obtain this natural product when they themselves can not grow it on a farm. The manufacturer attempts to work with this knowledge that the consumer that lives in the city is distant from the farmland that produces the fruits and vegetables and can therefore only rely on what is offered. Yet, the more the product seems closer to being natural, the closer it brings the consumer to nature, this is done by the imagery we see in the advertisement. The way in which images of nature are put all over the illustration and used to serve the purpose of selling a product is an art, and the manufacturer becomes an artist. This process is not much different from the photo booths that will take a picture of you head and paste it on someone elses. It is this type of artistry that subjects a thing of power in order to power the artist and is mentioned by Joyce Carol Oates when she comments on the fact that these representations help create and power the product. When Sun Raisin uses the pictures of farms and the natural grown fruits, which represent nature, to power the selling of their product they are implying natures passivity. I say this because nature is silent and is not much different than the silent woman that is shown picking fruits and vegetables. This idea is similar to the pastoral view which Carolyn Merchant speaks of, she says that the pastoral traditionShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation And The Civil Rights Movement1407 Words   |  6 Pagesviewed as harmful to social progress. Therefore, artists like Parliament-Funkadelic that called for black education, business ownership, and economic empowerment were dismissed as disturbing voices that aggravated peace. Feeling threatened, white culture launched a counteroffensive against funk, using the white-dominated record industry to â€Å"[banish] it to Black radio and local neighborhoods† (Morant 74). 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