Sunday, August 25, 2019

Crime in Context (SC2032C) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Crime in Context (SC2032C) - Essay Example What is interesting about this form of crime is that, due to its sheer effects and implications on many other fields of studies, it is no longer viewed just as a part of criminology, or not even just as sociology, but is also involved in other fields like economic, anthropology, law political science and history (Klaus von Lampe 2006). Suffice it to say that it has become a discipline itself, and is studied as a separate and special field of study, having its own literature and figures for study and analysis. Academic sources are drawn from all sorts of fields, and likewise, it has influenced many areas of national and international interaction, especially with the advancement in modern technology (Fiorentini, G & Peltzman, S. 1995). This paper aims at laying down a foundation to the study of organised crime, touching upon its many definitions and theories, its types and their effects on modern as well as historic human societies, and methods and procedures to regulate and control the spread and effects of operations that have been established as organised crime. Definitions: during the study of crime over the past ... The term organised crime was first coined by the Chicago Crime Commission in 1919 (Concept and Theory of Organised Crime in the USA 1999). Since then, this type of crime has taken up different forms and methodologies, depending upon the time in history, the places and cultures associated with it, and the effects it has as a result of the criminal activities of its doers. There is no one crime type that can be labeled as organised crime (Donald R. 1972). However, whatever the scenario, there are certain basic underlying characteristics that are true to all its forms. Broadly speaking, organised crime can be defined as the activities and operations undertaken by a group of criminals who have a hierarchically structured party, monetary acquisitions and funding, and political influences and backup to support their varied interests, involving a rampant use of violence to protect those interests (Wikipedia 2007). In short, as defined by the US Organised Crime Control Act of 1970, organized crime is "The unlawful activities of ... a highly organised, disciplined association...". Studying the various definitions of organised crime is in effect studying the different natures and perspectives in which this type of crime occurs, because each incident in itself has the potential to mold how organised crime is viewed and how it can be controlled. Different sources, according to the kind of facts and figures and data they have collected during their study, put forward different aspects of the crime. One form of the crime could be for supplying

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