Monday, August 26, 2019

Reem Al Faisals Dilemma Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reem Al Faisals Dilemma - Case Study Example Reem experienced righteous anger at this humiliation of another, recognizing the injustice; she could have followed her instincts and beliefs and acted to help the young woman, while upholding her own faith and morals. It was clear that the younger woman held a subservient position, yet that did not mean she deserved to be humiliated or treated as less than a person. It was not mere politeness to recognize and respond to another human being and their needs, but a moral obligation to treat them equally. This idea is not only a tenet of Islam, but of many world religions, like Christianity and Buddhism, to name but two. The basic principle of 'do no harm' was violated by the older woman, whose behavior was immoral. Further moral standards include the idea of giving to those who have less than ourselves, to be charitable, and in this case, the differences were obvious; the young woman was poor in comparison to her 'mistress'. In being deprived of courtesy and respect, she was treated as a non person, and in being offered nothing to eat or drink, this status was reinforced. She had no power, nor was her existence considered to have any value. The older woman defined herself by her power and contempt for another human being. She appeared to lack any charitable instincts and instead, set herself above another person in a way that denied that person's human rights. The fee The feelings of the young woman were not explicitly expressed, but Al Faisal recognized them, putting herself in that person's place. She empathized with her, thinking how she herself would feel, watching others eat and drink, while she was singled out as unworthy of such consideration. The happy experience of sharing food and being involved in human interaction was unfairly denied that young woman, for no logical or just reason. While these aspects were taken into account, alongside shyness, politeness, fear of making a fuss, many thoughts and emotions were passing through the onlooker's mind. She was shocked by the lack of basic humanity, and had feelings of shame and "self-contempt" for not having the courage to put right a wrong. More importantly, the realization that to have done nothing was to abandon Islamic belief caused her pain. As she stated: "..if people do not stop an injustice when they see it committed, then God's anger will descend upon them." Reem was angry, not only with the cruel older woman, but with herself for doing nothing. Her anger was righteous, justified, supported by morality, humanity and religious belief. She should have used it to take a stand on behalf of another. On the other hand, the possibility existed that the situation was not quite as it seemed. The full circumstances of the women's relationship were not known; the onlookers could only assume from what they observed, judging by outward appearances. Making assumptions based on what we think is happening can be dangerous. In polite society, it is not acceptable to force one's possibly mistaken views on others. The young woman did not attempt to ask for food or drink, she could have already eaten. She was quiet, but interested in what was going on around her, looking about the place. By transferring one's own feelings and imagination onto the situation, the truth could have been overlooked; perhaps the observer was jumping to the wrong conclusion It is always better to make an informed decision,

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