Saturday, August 17, 2019

Psychology Coursework Essay

We have studied various aspects of organization, its structure, strategy, effectiveness, changes and other aspects. Study of organizations by psychologists has attained much importance in recent times. The broad study includes perception, attitudes, motivation, and interpersonal relationships among members. Every organization is a group of members working towards a common goal. Every organisation has a structure and purpose. It may be a social, political, or a commercial organisation or one for any other purpose. Psychologists ‘research in this field assumes much importance so that suggestions can be ade and implemented for obtaining the optimum results . Several theories are proposed with regard to organizations. M L Blum states that group theory views that associations and human affiliations are primary work motivators in a group. He states that the degree of cooperation in a primary group is critical for its success. So we find that all the members’ contribution go to achieve the goal. So it is essential that each member is properly motivated. Regarding the question put forth about the factors inhibiting or supporting performance,  It can be said that a person could have achieved one part of his target but might have not achieved in another of the same task. The major reason for achieving could be motivation. Among the various factors which go to contribute to achievement , motivation has the great role. The very formation of a group brings in motivation in its members. Clifford T Morgan puts in that motivations are inferences from behaviour. We can never observe motivation but can infer their existence. Motivation ,according to him is a powerful tool for explaining behaviour. Incentive motivation like wages, bonus play a major role in the group work. A member has to be motivated according to his needs. It makes common sense to say that When a person’s needs are taken care of, his performance would increase. Various studies have shown that a person may have upto thirty seven needs. Anyway they can be classified into biological and socio psychological needs. The first one is about his body’s necessities like food, nutrition, rest and so on. The next one is about security, freedom, care, recognition, approval , self respect and so on. It can be safely deducted that any achievement or non achievement can be attributed to the above causes. As an Industrial psychologist, his role would be to ensure that all or atleast most of the motivations are taken care of. This would bring in the best results. Having studied the lesson , we have gained in depth knowledge about the various dimensions about groups. The author goes in detail about the need for changes in groups that is, introduction of new ideas or behaviour due to current technological; changes, global competition and so on. It is suggested in many experiments that resistance would occur for adopting any changes. This can be measured by survey feed backs. The most mportant factor making implementation difficult would be insecure feeling among members particularly if the group is one of working group. It may be a fear of losing jobs or fear of inability to cope with the new methods of work. Let us now take the example of failure to perceive benefits stated in the Lesson. as a reason for resistance for changes. This failure is due to lack of information about the changes. The member is unaware of the reasons or the mode of changes. So communication is essential from the highest level to the lowest level and vice versa. The changes proposed have to be iscussed and analysed with all the members . Their views heard and clarified and convinced. . This gives them the feeling of importance. This again goes on to motivate the member. David G Myers emphasizes the need for group discussions where ideas are pooled and discussed jointly. Just hearing to a person’s arguments is of no use. Active participation brings in better attitude change than merely listening passively. Again ,this may bring in more resistance arguments but a thorough debate with proper information will ultimately result in the members understanding the benefits of the change and being convinced . The industrial psychologist has to see that the members are given assurance of their benefits and all apprehensions removed. Let us now imagine what a person would talk to the CEO if just a few minutes are at his disposal. An Assistant Regional Sales Manager would probably assure the CEO on the lines that his department would welcome changes . He would be keen on impressing the CEO in the short time. He would even go to suggest ignoring resistance and going ahead with changes. He would not miss to suggest a salary hike to all along with changes , which would be beneficial to the organization.

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