Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Michelangelo Pieta Essay - 1407 Words

Michelangelo’s Pieta Michelangelo once said, â€Å"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.† These words have uttered in my mind over and over again, as I read them; a man with such talent and grace in his work giving glory to a higher being, whose work is more divine than we can ever imagine. A work of perfection is hard to come by in the lives of mere men, but Michelangelo’s Pieta was so close to perfection that the images in which the sculpture portrays almost comes to life. The word Piet means â€Å"pity† or â€Å"compassion† (The Crucifixion of Christ). The Pieta has come a long way through history and has been appraised by many along the way, but through it all, the good, the bad Pieta still stands with a fascinating story to†¦show more content†¦Taking a closer look, we can observe that on Christ’s hands and feet there are beautiful veins that give Pieta the appearance having life flow through the sculptu re. In addition, when we look at Mary’s hand supporting Christ under his arm, Michelangelo thought to have the skin of Christ arm rise up like it would on a real person. There are so many intricate details in this sculpture that I can’t physically describe them all. One must wonder what was Michelangelo’s inspiration; why did he create the facial expressions he did. Pietas have been done before but none like this. However, the Proportions of Pieta are not entirely natural as we can see clearly their heads are proportionate, but the Virgin Mary has a much larger body. However, Michelangelo was very clever; he was able to over dramatize the folds in Mary’s fabric to disguise her actual size. In addition, by making her body much larger, she was able to easily support the weight of her dead son lying in her lap. In these folds, Michelangelo shows his skill and artisanship (Italian Renaissance). Michelangelo used a drill to give depth to the folds in Mary†™s drapery. This gave the folds a more realistic look that was unpredictable, much like the techniques of the Greeks. I don’t know how Michelangelo was able sculpt such magnificent works of art and never sketch out his work before diving in, and chiseling stone away. Michelangelo always thought of stones like this â€Å"Every block of stone has a statue inside itShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"The Pieta† by Michelangelo Essay1238 Words   |  5 Pagesartist is Michelangelo Buonarroti; an Italian artist renowned for his famous fine pieces of arts. The Pieta piece of art is among some of the works that were sculptured by this particular artist. The name is an Italian word that means pity or compassion. With regards to this work this paper will through research provide its details with regards to more information about it, the artist, history as well as its background. History, Background and Theme of the â€Å"Pieta† Piece of Art The Pieta as a masterRead MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words   |  6 Pagesmusic, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. Finally, list at least six individuals and their work that provides examples from your discussion.† Comprehensive Essay The transition of art (incorporating the art spanning from paintings and architecture) from the Gothic Age all the way to the High Renaissance was, in my opinion; one of the most physical forms of the development and growth of the European cultureRead MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words   |  6 Pagesmusic, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. Finally, list at least six individuals and their work that provides examples from your discussion.† Comprehensive Essay The transition of art (incorporating the art spanning from paintings and architecture) from the Gothic Age all the way to the High Renaissance was, in my opinion; one of the most physical forms of the development and growth of the European cultureRead MoreEssay on Robert Elliots Faking Nature3130 Words   |  13 PagesRobert Elliots Faking Nature ABSTRACT: Robert Elliots Faking Nature, (1) represents one of the strongest philosophical rejections of the ground of restoration ecology ever offered. Here, and in a succession of papers defending the original essay, Elliot argued that ecological restoration was akin to art forgery. Just as a copied art work could not reproduce the value of the original, restored nature could not reproduce the value of nature. I reject Elliots art forgery analogy, and argue thatRead MoreEssay about Renaissance Figures2969 Words   |  12 Pagessculpture for the tomb of Pope Julius II by Michelangelo Michelangelo Buonarroti lived from 1475--1564, he was an Italian sculptor, painter, and poet. He was a towering figure of Renaissance mannerist, and baroque art. From 1490 to 1492 he lived in Lorenzo de MEDICIs house, where he was influenced by Neoplatonic thought. Between 1496 and 1501, Michelangelo worked in Rome, doing the marble Bacchus (Bargello, Florence) and the exquisitely balanced Pietà   (St. Peters, Rome). He returned toRead MoreArt History Study Guide3003 Words   |  13 PagesVinci –Virgin (Madonna) of the Rocks; Virgin and Child with St. Anne and Infant St. John; Last Supper, Refectory; Mona Lisa * del Sarto, Andrea –Madonna of the Harpies * Giorgione –Pastoral Symphony; The Tempest * Michelangelo –Pieta/Dome, St. Peter’s, Rome; Bacchus; David; Moses, tomb of Julius II; Bound Slave; Prisoner; Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation, Expulsion, Erythraean Sibyl, Prophet Jeremiah, Last Judgment; Dani Tondo (aka HolyRead MoreQuestion and Correct Answer7042 Words   |  29 PagesSelected Answer: |   Ã‚   Oil did not flake off walls in the humid Venetian climate | Correct Answer: |   Ã‚   Oil gave their work more luminosity and realistic details | | | | | * Question 19 0 out of 2 points | | | Why did Michelangelo present Mary in his Pietà   as young and beautiful instead of middle-aged?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: |   Ã‚   To model her on the classical Venuses | Correct Answer: |   Ã‚   To make her a timeless image of purity and chastity | | | | | * Question

Monday, December 23, 2019

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature Essay - 2003 Words

Advanced Culture - Subdued Nature The hoards of advertisements on television, in newspapers, and magazines, use whatever means in order to catch the attention of the viewer. They have gone so far as to use animals and nature in any form they wish. This is far more than just a moneymaking scheme, it is a representation of the relationship between nature and the advancing and dominant culture. It almost seems that the more technologically advanced a culture becomes, the more distant the relationship there is to nature. It is because of this that we are left to view the images that are put before us by others. Buying that carton of orange juice in the grocery store looks more appetizing if the pictures depict the oranges on the tree,†¦show more content†¦When we look at the advertisement, the consumer is being offered the ability to obtain this natural product when they themselves can not grow it on a farm. The manufacturer attempts to work with this knowledge that the consumer that lives in the city is distant from the farmland that produces the fruits and vegetables and can therefore only rely on what is offered. Yet, the more the product seems closer to being natural, the closer it brings the consumer to nature, this is done by the imagery we see in the advertisement. The way in which images of nature are put all over the illustration and used to serve the purpose of selling a product is an art, and the manufacturer becomes an artist. This process is not much different from the photo booths that will take a picture of you head and paste it on someone elses. It is this type of artistry that subjects a thing of power in order to power the artist and is mentioned by Joyce Carol Oates when she comments on the fact that these representations help create and power the product. When Sun Raisin uses the pictures of farms and the natural grown fruits, which represent nature, to power the selling of their product they are implying natures passivity. I say this because nature is silent and is not much different than the silent woman that is shown picking fruits and vegetables. This idea is similar to the pastoral view which Carolyn Merchant speaks of, she says that the pastoral traditionShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation And The Civil Rights Movement1407 Words   |  6 Pagesviewed as harmful to social progress. Therefore, artists like Parliament-Funkadelic that called for black education, business ownership, and economic empowerment were dismissed as disturbing voices that aggravated peace. Feeling threatened, white culture launched a counteroffensive against funk, using the white-dominated record industry to â€Å"[banish] it to Black radio and local neighborhoods† (Morant 74). White communities were even able to turn richer black communities against funk’s message, pushingRead MoreNature in a Passage to India1435 Words   |  6 PagesNature in A Passage to India Nature is everywhere. This universal idea inspires many authors to emphasize nature’s role in the human world and to highlight how the human world affects nature. A Passage to India, written by E.M. Forster, does just that. In many instances throughout the book, Forster stresses human struggles and how these coexist with nature. While doing this, Forster also illustrates the resentment and friendship shared between the two ethnic groups in the novel. He successfullyRead MorePsychoanalytic Theory : Psychoanalytic And Psychoanalytic Perspective Essay1300 Words   |  6 Pagesaddition, Jung suggested that the unconscious consists of two layers. Jung exposed the personal unconscious, is typically the same as Freud’s translation of the unconscious. The personal unconscious contains temporality forgotten information and well as subdued memories. Jung (1933) outlined an important feature of the personal unconscious called complexes. A complex is a collection of thoughts, fee lings, attitudes and memories that focus on a single concept. Jung also believed that the personal unconsciousRead MoreAre Science and Religion in Conflict? - Paper2115 Words   |  9 PagesAs with any proper argumentative paper, a counter argument will be presented and this will also be followed by an argument that counters the counter-argument. The main opposing view will delve into the conflicting nature of these institutions by considering the wide gap between the nature of scientific laws and that of religious laws by means of logical reasoning techniques. The counter-argument on the other hand will explore the possible relationships between scientific laws and religious laws thatRead MoreA Revised Essay About Courtship3586 Words   |  15 PagesTHE PHILIPPINES (A Concept Paper) Submitted by: Marienne P. Herrera DEFINITION OF TERMS * COURTSHIP- Traditional courtship in the Philippines  is described as a far more subdued and indirect[1]  approach compared to  Western  or  Westernized  cultures. It involves phases or stages inherent to  Philippine society  and  culture.  Evident in  courtship  in the  Philippines  is the practice of singing romantic love songs, reciting poems, writing letters, and gift-giving. This respect extends to the FilipinoRead MoreThe Roman Empire Essay2106 Words   |  9 PagesQuestion C: The Roman empire was large and very vast. It encompassed many different cultures that fell under Roman political rule. Romanization or becoming a Roman is described by studying the changes in everyday life to include language and religious practices, and from drinking habits and personal names. The western provinces of the Roman empire had a long and trouble some experience throughout its history. Much of the Britain and Germanic Gaul’s history was destroyed by the Romanization processRead MoreCriminal Profiling: Real Science of Just Wishful Thinking Essay2433 Words   |  10 Pagesis an investigative technique used by many law enforcement agencies notably the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the analysis of elusive criminals through studying their criminal profiles. Profiling is usually done on basis of the type and nature of crime. Usually studies are conducted as to the offenders whereabouts and occupation before, during and after a particular crime was committed. After this, evidence is then combined against the different types of personalities and a fitting descriptionRead MoreEssay about What is World History?4758 Words   |  20 Pagesglobalization actually started in the second half of the 19th Century, when steamships, the telegraph, the railroad, and European, North American, and Japanese empire-builders brought humankind into a single densely interwoven community of trade, investment, culture, and political rivalry for the first time. One of the founders of world-system theory, Immanuel Wallerstein, traces the invention of capitalism and the beginnings of what he calls the Modern World-System to the late 15th and 16th Centuries. HisRead MoreEmersons Self Reliance5249 Words   |  21 Pagesmatter. Responding to the objection that devotedly following ones inner voice is wrong because the intuition may be evil, he writes, No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature . . . the only right is what is after my constitution, the only wr ong what is against it. In other words, it is better to be true to an evil nature than to behave correctly because of societys demands or conventions. The non-conformist in Emerson rejects many of societys moral sentiments. For example, he claims thatRead MoreNuclear Power - a Reliable Energy Source for the Future2969 Words   |  12 Pageshave the ability to compensate for current fossil fuel generation. Wind and waves could only be used at the coast or in elevated areas in the mountain ranges, and apart from the four monsoon months, wind patterns across the subcontinent are rather subdued. On the other hand, that very same monsoon ensures that India is one of the sunniest nations in the world. There is indeed a good case for solar energy, and the Government through the National Solar Mission already has a very ambitious plan to generate

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Wonders of Planet Earth Free Essays

‘The perpetual cycle of change which has created the face of the Earth, with all its rugged and Fascinating variety usually happens too slowly to be noticed. But occasionally it is rapid and Violent. Volcanoes disgorge molten lava, earthquakes rip open the landscape, landslides, carry away Whole mountainsides. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wonders of Planet Earth or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then human beings become aware of the awesome forces that are shaping Their planet. These forces are fuelled by three powerful sources of energy – heat from within the Earth, heat from the Sun, and the force of gravity. Every landform in the world has been shaped by these ttu. ee energy sources. ‘the continents that drift across the surface of the globe, setting off volcanoes and earthquakes and Building mountains. are driven by heat from the Earth’s interior which has a temperature of about 5000†³C (9000’F). Most of this heat is created by the breakdown of radioactive elements. Earth is unique among the planets of the Solar System in having liquid water on the surface and water has a major role in shaping the planet. The warmth of the Sun evaporates water from seas and lakes. The vapor rises and condenses to form clouds and then falls again as rain and snow. It is then that its landscaping powers begin, weathering rocks and washing away the loose material. or grinding down the landscape under the power of a glacier. The Sun’s heat also produces the rain and the waves that scour the land. The third force – gravity – causes the tides, which nibble away at the edges of continents, and landslides. hich alter the shape of mountains. Under the influence of gravity. rain works its way downwards as streams and rivers, carving the terrain. On its journey, it carries fragments of rock and sand to be deposited on the ocean floor. And over thousands of years more rock which may then be buckled and lifted up by movement of the Earth’s crust to form new mountains. {source: Readers Digest, Discovering the Wonders of our World A guide to natures Sciences marvels] How to cite The Wonders of Planet Earth, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Essay Sample free essay sample

In an aggressive concern universe where employees are to transport. and carry on them self’s in a professional mode. The behavior from an employee can rate on several degrees. There is a degree of concern moralss and ethical motives. and a degree within a person’s personal legislative act. Within a concern there is a all right line between personal moralss and personal moralss. Even though personal moralss and ethical motives are related in some manner within an single character. ethical motives. and moralss are besides applied in the concern universe. An account of concern moralss focuses on the behavior through rules. outlooks. and norms. which governs an single individual or group. Ethical motives besides stresses on a degree with the societal system were ethical motives are applied. Without equal ethical motives to act upon ethical behaviour at work employees come upon concerns and issues that affect the manner employees will execute and act at their work ( De Georg e. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical and Moral Issues in Business Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2010 ) . The distinction between moral issues and ethical issues is how a person’s conducts his or her character and behaviour in a on the job environment. As portion of a concern. moral issues are an employee’s misconduct in the workplace. Business is a portion of human activities where employees receive an rating on his or her activity. In a concern environment a moral background is an activity. which receives an rating from the employers. If this moral activity is non a pattern an employee is executing in an immoral behaviour and can put the employee at hazard for expiration. Immorality is present in an organisation merely as it exists in other facets in a person’s life. When an employee does non follow criterions. or neglects ethical guidelines he or she is at degree of hazard. Ethical issues pertain to when an employee may fall out of the guidelines and execute in an unprofessional manner. As a concern employers employees these persons. as he or she must follow the c orrect guidelines. The employer must implement the guidelines to the employee. and the employees are expected to cognize and understand upon his or her hire and managed through the guidelines given by human resources or direction ( De George. 2010 ) . The difference between personal moralss and concern moralss is the beginning of outlooks. Personal moralss are the behaviours and single learns and collects through clip from young person throughout his or her maturity. Personal moralss are the norms and criterions persons apply in their mundane lives in which he or she have had from early childhood. Business ethics is a behavior particular to a group of employees in an organisation scene and patroling guidelines reciprocally understood by employees. Business moralss come from upper direction they are a portion or extension of quality from direction. When ethical jobs exist wherever organisation is executing concern around the Earth and employees witness or see this behavior. Ethical misconduct may affect employees and their clients where parties are portion of bad behaviour. Some ethical behaviours stem from employees who can non be trainable and garbage rehabilitation as these types of persons were non brought up with proper values. There are several illustrations of immoral and ethical issues at the workplace. One illustration of immoral issue in a concern occurs when an employee is responsible for utilizing his or her company laptop for company purposes merely. Some employees abuse this by look intoing personal electronic mails during company clip. Some employees even do prep from their company laptop. and they do it during company clip besides. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and unethical. Another illustration occurs when an employee paperss clip when he or she is working from place but in world he or she are non using him or her self’s to the work undertakings assign to them. Mentions De George. R. T. ( 2010 ) . Business Ethics ( 7th ed. ) . Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Supermex. L. K. . A ; Welson. K. A. ( 2007 ) . Pull offing Business Ethical motives. Straight Talk About How To Make It Right ( 4th ed. ) . Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Ultimate List of Literature Research Paper Topics

Tips on How to Write Literature Topics for Research Papers When reading a research paper, you will probably notice that compelling and interesting topics give you a reason to read more. Dull topics, on the other hand, do not evoke a positive reaction even if the information in the paper is exhaustive. Nonetheless, coming up with a great title requires in-depth research and time. Do You Need Ideas on How to Select the Best Literary Research Paper Title? As stated earlier, great literary topics for research paper are what make up a good essay. Some of the essential aspects that you can use to spice up your topics include vivid vocabularies, feelings, and emotions. Such facets are bound to make a lecturer get interested in knowing what your paper contains. You can use these features to create a hook that will make the reader want to know more about what’s in your piece. Tips for Writing Captivating Literature Topics for Research Papers When writing a title in literature research, it is important to use a formula as your guide. Here are a few directive tips to use as a proven formula in developing your literature title. Foremost, ensure the topic describes all your heading and subheadings for the paper. For instance, the formula could be: A (technical) study of (title) among (example). Here is an example of how the formula can be used to create a captivating title: yoga makes students perform better: a study of meditation and flexibility among Finnish students. Another tip is to avoid redundant words and quotations. The topic should be clear even to students and lecturers who are not in your field. Use only simple words to come up with a good title. Make your topic short. Ideally, it should be between 5 and 16 words in length. A brief and precise title will not make the reader bored before reading the body of your work. Finally, if you are writing a literature title for a college research paper, or an academic paper/journal, specify that your heading is related to the standards and guidelines of that study. Here are a few literature sample titles you can use: The American Dream in Literature Faith and Literature The Famous Works of Ernest Hemingway The â€Å"Stream of Consciousness† Style of Literature Invented Languages in Literature The Role of Mythology as Literature Literary Modernism Why â€Å"Harry Potter† Became so Popular? The Image of Death as a Character in Literature Literature for Kids What Gender in Literature Is Appropriate? Utopian and Dystopian Literature Victorian Literature The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Can Fanfiction Be Considered Independent Literature? Feminist Literature Good and Evil in Literature Cliches in Literature Byronic Characters in Literature Irony VS Sarcasm in literature Literature as an Instrument of Propaganda Madness in Literature Psychology and Literature Sex and Romance in Literature Fictional Tricksters in Literature Do You Want to Know How to Select the Best Literary Research Paper Topic? It is common to change your topic on several occasions when doing your research. Even though the title should be a guide for your literature writing, it can limit your thinking in the initial stages. As you progress with your research, you may realize that you need to narrow or expand your focus, which is normal. If you are not comfortable with changing the topic, consider including words that you find captivating. Always keep in mind the number of words or pages that should make up your paper- do not exceed the count by so many words. Following this rule will guide you on how much you need to alter the topic- if need be. Research and Expound More on Your Topic It is important to use keywords related to your research paper to remain within the content of the topic. Use the internet to find out which titles literature students have commonly used in their articles before. Find more information to help guide you find the best and interesting words to use for your topic. Fortunately, our company offers academic guidance to students who want to learn tricks that will help them get good grades. Our expert team is always ready to assist students in need to come up with great topics that match their research paper ideas. If you are experiencing numerous challenges in coming up with good English literature research paper topics, you can buy research papers on our site or get research paper writing help  from us. Do not hesitate to contact us. Place your order now!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Medieval Times essays

Medieval Times essays People tend to view medieval times as a period where we learned to live in towns and cities and to be comfortable with a life where technology had not yet become a dominant force. It is sometimes romanticized in movies as a time when people were closer to nature and lived more simply. As a generalization this may have been true for day-to-day life, but the medieval period was also a time of invention and resourcefulness. Some of the new technologies continue to be used to this day while others laid the foundation for greater technological advances to come. During the medieval period, from 1000 to the Renaissance, humankind actually made great technological advances that influence life to this day. Heavy plows were first used in Europe in the seventh century (Cipolla, 1994). These plows had to be pulled by beasts of burden oxen or horses. Horses were stronger, easier to manage and had more endurance than oxen, but farmers and other laborers did not come close to making use of all the power horses could offer until the harnesses used to attach them to plows or wagons were improved. The first horse harnesses used a strap that went around the horse's neck. The straps to the load to be pulled were then attached to the top of this neck strap. This arrangement actually pressed on the horse's trachea and interfered with breathing, and was an inefficient way to use horsepower (Gans, 2002). Starting in the ninth century (Cipolla, 1994), people started experimenting with design modifications to eliminate breathing problems. Harnesses were modified several times, but it was during the medieval age that the horse collar was developed. This heavy, padded piece, strapped to stay in place, distributed the horse's shoulders and chest, where the horse had its greatest pulling power. This technological advance allowed the use of horses to pull much greater loads than eve...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Reflection paper - Essay Example In this chapter, Ms. Wright, is a renowned psychologist and sports nutritionist has explained different cases of eating disorders. Ms. Wright emphasizes in the readings that eating disorders are not just about food. There is a much more psychological reason why eating disorders are prevalent among the youth. One of the underlying reason for such disorder is a low self-esteem derived from wrong perspective of one’s physical appearance. Thus, most young people associate their lack of physical attractiveness to their self-worth which is very dangerous since they go to extreme lengths to maintain a certain ideal figure. Ironically, the media projects unhealthy images of beauty where waif like figures become the benchmark for young people. The chapter also discussed other underlying reasons for eating disorders, among them, dealing with the trauma of being away from family and friends for the first time, dealing with new pressures and new expectations as findings from the cases of Ms Wright reveals. As a conclusion, the chapter not only details the different eating disorders but their underlying causes as well. More so, the chapter informs the reader of the significance of an intervention program for eating disorders so that further damaging effect to the affected youth at-risk would be lessened. As revealed by the study, the adolescent and youth groups are the most affected segment by eating disorders. As such, this has serious implications to school officials especially school counselors since they are in direct contact with this group most of the time. Therefore, the school must be active in identifying at-risk youth once they are admitted in the school system. The school must conduct a discrete eating disorder test once a student has applied for admission in a school. Moreover, a new student must view a presentation regarding eating disorders. Once the result of the test is released, a one-on-one consultation with the school

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 3

Managing - Essay Example He perceives power as dispersed as opposed to previous conceptions of power as concentrated and possessed. He also views power as conversational rather than virtuously coercive. The terms ‘power and knowledge’ are applied by Foucault to suggest that power is founded through recognized forms of knowledge, logical understanding and reality. This paper reflects and explains Foucault’s claim by focusing on managerial work and management power/roles. It discusses Foucault’s body of work on power and discipline. It supports Foucault’s approach withreference to published empirical examples. The paper also depicts the application of Foucault’s approach to power and order to management practice. Pfeffer (1993) defines power as the deliberate inducement on the opinions, feelings and conduct of people to achieve a particular objective. In the absence of power, cooperation among people may not be achieved and hence social order cannot be achieved. Power in organizations is manifest in leaders who apply different means of exercising the power vested in them to accomplish their goals. Foucault (1977) asserts that people in positions of power exercise it as opposed to possessing it. In other words, positions of power have been created in organizations as a strategy to develop infrastructure for enhancement of discipline. It therefore does not matter who possesses the power as such a person can be replaced by another and power in the organization will remain. Power forms the political structures of social organizations that operate to initiate the non-egalitarian and disproportionate relations. Organizations are established through human relations, which are characterised by inher ent power (Knights and Willmott, 1989). Power is therefore not restricted to an individual but rather is engaged and implemented through a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Issues and challenges encountered by mental health nurses,consumers Essay

Issues and challenges encountered by mental health nurses,consumers and their families - Essay Example How is it different from other nursing practices? Is it really needed? How should it operate – with autonomy or under the auspices of doctors? With those issues and challenges confronting psychiatric nursing practice, what then could be the future of psychiatric nursing? Defining the Profession Defining psychiatric nursing alone is proven difficult and controversial for two major reasons. First, nursing itself to which psychiatric nursing is part of the nursing practice continuum (Ballard, 2008) cannot also be defined without difficulty. What made defining nursing difficult, Brenner (1984) argues, is the lack of a well-defined theory that embodies the unique and rich knowledge of the nursing clinical practice, while nursing is being taught to include both theory (‘knowing that’) and practice (‘knowing how’); but until today, it is through practice – the least studied area – that nursing is being pursued. This theoretical deficiency in nu rsing, she furthers, is due to the failure of nurses themselves to chart their own practices and clinical observations, which should have been rich sources of theoretical knowledge. (As cited in Ellis & Hartley, 2004, p. 150) This holds true in psychiatric nursing. ... aviors views mental illness not as illness but more as a manifestation of unjust social order as clearly illustrated in the correlation between social status and mental illness. For example, people who live below poverty threshold or the most deprived, who belong to the marginalized racial minority, and who belong to the most vulnerable group, specifically women and children are those who suffer most, thus under too much stress, making them more vulnerable to mental illness, because the crueler, unkinder, and ruthless environment greatly threatens mental health. Furthermore, the labeling of eccentric behavior as mental illness is differentiated by the individual’s social status. It is easier for society to label eccentric behaviors as mental illness when exhibited by poor, marginalized and discriminated people than when exhibited by the socio-economically affluent. Specifically, the functionalist theory view mental illness as society’s clever way of emphasizing the norm ative behavior that is congruent to the existing social order; the symbolic theory sees those labeled as mentally ill not necessarily sick but rather victims of being stigmatized by the labeling, because according to the labeling theory, labels have powerful social effects. (Andersen & Taylor, 2011) Furthermore, even among psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses themselves, the classification systems being used in identifying and treating mental illnesses, specifically DSM, is also being criticized for over labeling â€Å"minor mental difficulties or understandable reactions to stressful situations† (Kalat, 2011, p. 545) as mental illnesses. These undermine the need for psychiatry, consequently psychiatric nursing. Against this difficulty, it is time to turn to the definition of the American Nurses

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysing The Wealth Of Money And Knowledge

Analysing The Wealth Of Money And Knowledge In the modern society, there are certain major of groups believe that having money over lapse the concept of having more knowledge. Conversely, there are a number of people believe that without a good education, we might not make it in the fast growing society. On certain levels, having a certain amount of money or knowledge does provide benefits to individuals that possess it. We might be able to succeed in our life by being wealthy in money or knowledge. Having huge money, we are able to make lots of investment in our company to provide a huge capital. In addition, when starting a business, one must possess certain knowledge of the industrys business to enhance the growth. Wealthy in money can also provide a comfortable life if one knows how to appreciate the value of money. We are able to make payments for mortgage or cars while not forgo certain expenses in order to have their way of life. With money, we can provide a good education to our kids and provide them good balance of nutrients. On the other hand, knowledge also can optimize a human being lifestyle. We are able to create machines that can ease our work and strength. We do assume that the power of money enable us to facilitate friends financial situation. Being a true friend, we are able to do small favors to ease their worry. When theyre in need of guidance, having appropriate knowledge allow us to listen and think rationally for the best solution and guide them in decision making. People often go through various situations that require their decision that reflects their potentials. With great knowledge, we can independently carry ourselves to the outside world and being confident about our judgment and stand on our own feet. Having money bears the privilege of being financially independent. In future event of misfortune in business of job, we are still able to go through the difficult process without making adjustment. Body Angle 1: Stepping stone to success Education is the pathway to enrich knowledge and succeed in life. The extra education a person could obtain on a certain subjects allow them to construct a better inform decisions that would result in increased income or better equipment. The value of good education is the basic key in getting a good solid job that able to support us to have a decent lifestyle. With education, we are able to go through different task in a job and with the qualified papers we are able to climb our careers upwards. The passion of wanting more in education gives us a broader mind and view towards the world and different concepts on how the world ticks. In a way having a good education reflects on a person. As they value your knowledge and education, you are not afraid to voice out your opinion and create doubts in one self. A huge capital in a business ensures that the business is able to take losses and risk for a period of time. This is very crucial especially in starting a business as the companys profile is fresh and needed time to venture their product into the market. In starting a business, the right amount of capital is essential because of the companys instability and with a huge capital, owners are able to gamble their business into a bigger perspective without drawback in funding. A huge capital gives an advantage to business since money is needed to pay for machines, labors and goods produced. With the proper funding, the company are able to plan their growth and make additional adjustments to widen the business. A huge capital enables company to maximize their market using various of ways such as advertisement, samples and road shows. Knowledge also contributes to the success in life. It is vital for anyone that ones to succeed in their career or business to learn different skills. Whether is it communication, planning, productivity and creativity. One must be able to acquire the technique to communicate and persuade customers to buy their product. They must also able to plan their schedule and make preparations for the future event and predict the best strategy to boost their productivity. In the fast growing world of business, its is comparably hard to excel a business as the competition is big and there are various levels of competitors in the industry. To even begin with something, first we must have a decent foundation of information in the particular field. This comes by constant exposure and experience which makes them mature in decision making. If ones foundation is not strong, they will have difficulties in dealing with intense problems and they might miss out in lots of opportunities. With our enhanced knowledge and education, we are able to go build our mid set in dealing with various of problems. In many stages of life, we might be struggling with many obstacles and difficulties in our work life. Sometimes were unable to tackle the problem due to the complexity of the problem. In every problem there always have to be a solution to it. Before we rush to solve a problem, its always best to look at the problem from a different point of view whether from ourselves or another person. By doing so, we are able to identify the root problem and widen the choices of solution. Furthermore, we are able to widen our mind by resulting to think outside the box and able to achieve the best results. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, it seems impossible to find ways to solve the problems. By having an appropriate knowledge, we might able to divide the problems into smaller proportions and slowly work out the pieces. By the power of wisdom we possess, it could be real handy whe n we can point out the easy part to solve if its in our expertise and then we emerge from the root itself. The answer might not come instantly but as we thought of the problem over and over again from a different point of view, we might just able to find the right explanation. Angle 2: Comfort Many people say, money is not everything, money does not bring happiness in our life, etc, but money does bring comfort in life. In my opinion, money can buy quality goods such as healthy food, a better and more comfortable shelter or branded clothes to make our life become more comfortable. Quality goods usually cost more than other normal goods. Money can fulfill ones desires. With money, we do not need to worry about our daily life or any financial problem. For example, we can buy leisure things such as a big house or car so that we and our family can live in a comfortable environment. Therefore, money makes life become easier and money does bring comfort in life. With knowledge, its possible to invent new technology to make life comfortable. With knowledge, it is possible to create new products to make life more comfortable. New technology that can relieve us from disease and work can be created with knowledge. With these new technologies, we can live a healthier life and our works can be reduced. These can bring comfort in our life. Other than that, new beauty products can be created to enhance ones look with knowledge. Some technologies have made our life more comfortable. Air cooler is one of the examples. Air cooler is useful to us in a hot day. It makes us to be more comfortable. Thus, knowledge brings comfort in life and makes life more pleasurable. Angle 3: Frienship Money can create friendship by giving a helping hand when your friend is in a tight budget situation, additionally they appreciate the face value of helping hand and the sacrifices you made, we can easily strengthen friendship. In accomplish a goal, one must provide compromises. We understand that theyre in a financial crisis and we learn to communicate with them and there are various methods to assist them in the recovery process. It would make a lot of difference with several kinds of small favours such as treating him to dinner for an occasion, car pooling together or even inviting him to a pot luck dinner to lighten up his burden. A true friend plays a very important role in life. They are there during the happiest time and also hardest time when ones facing a sticky situation. As they are able to listen to your problems, show their attention and able to share their knowledge and experience they had to assist you in decision making. Most of the time in our lives, we bound to step into trouble. Thats where friends comes in and guide us to the right path again. We might not go through many kinds of situations or dilemma but hearing other stories and past gives us the knowledge to prepare for the future outcome and learn from others mistake. By sharing other information, not only we get closure with friends, indirectly we are equipping ourselves with valuable information that we dont get from class or home. In example, if we got a studies problem in class the first thing in mind is to ask a friend. He or she might know but they are willing to try their best to give you the best solution and solve your doubts. Angle 4: Independence People that are having good incomes are able to be financially independence as they are secure in living the lifestyle they desired without fear of over expenses. They will encounter fewer problems such as having limited budget or to cut down expenses in order to maintain their current lifestyle. With enough money, people can solve some of their problem and they will not be stressful in solving the problems. People can also send their children to a good school or college without applying study loan from government. Thus, money does bring independence. Having a good amount of knowledge is able to guide us to be independent in life and to carry ourselves without depending on others. People can solve certain problems by themselves easily if they have an excellent amount of knowledge. Besides that, with knowledge, we can boost our self confidence in dealing with various people without having the fear of people doubting our capability in performing a task or job. In addition, knowledge helps us to know what is right and wrong to do and what we should or should not do in life and to be able to stand on solid grounds. Conclusion Certain criteria in having abundance of money or knowledge do equip an individual in starting off their pathway. Numerous individuals consider that having either one and exclude the other is enough but it is a need to balance out the two important factors. Without a solid education, we might not even able to solve even the simplest task as our depth of knowledge is shallow that we cant show our highest potential. In tackling different business strategy, employees often work in teams and brainstorm with each other to share knowledge of the particular task. We must possess the equivalent set of skills and information to act. The money we accumulate can be put to invest in own business or others and by proper analyzing and research, we can decide whether the money is put to good use to increase our capital and productivity which can turns into profits. Having money gives us an opportunity to broaden up the business while able to venture into other industry. Money has always been a goal for people that want to live an easy and happy life. Individuals are trying various of methods to enhance their skills and careers to make them valuable to the company as to achieve the desired job that can ensure that they are financially independent thus having no worries in indulging themselves to enjoy life. By having valuable expertise, individuals are not afraid to express their view and this helps in boosting inner confidence and self esteem. They are deeply motivated to pursue their aim in setting a reputation for themselves. In addition, if we have powerful knowledge, we might able to change the world by discovering new innovations and technology which can help others. In daily situations where we arent able to go through certain problems, friends are always there to guide us by sharing their knowledge whether in studies or personal relationship or life itself. By exchanging knowledge we are advancing ourselves in tackling a similar situation in the future. We might also able to lend a hand whether is moral support or money support in a way we can relieve his crisis finance. Money and knowledge both plays a vital role in many people life thus it is essential to operate a balance form between them. By doing so, we are aware of the things going around us and we are able to take control over it. Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ethical Issues of Human Test Subjects Essay -- Radioactive Technology

Ethical Issues of Human Test Subjects As we achieve burgeons of new technologies, we must also face the irreprehensible sacrifices. The old scientific adage reminds us that no trial can go without error. Many of the present day technologies may prove beneficial but the processes of development and discovery often come at high prices. Countless experiments have been conducted in the names of science and the advancement of mankind. Regardless of their outcomes, these experiments require some form of a test subject. Any life sustaining test subject has been the root of many ethical issues, with human test subjects being one of the most controversial. Granted the advantageous products of labor, the definition for what we, as moral humans, are willing to sacrifice still lays a little rough. One of many ethical dilemmas arises when we question as where to draw the line for human test subjects. Test subjects are not always guaranteed the safety of their outcomes and this generates a lot of debate to what extent we are prepared to tolerate for the sake of advancing technology. The past century has unveiled many new revels in science and technology. Nuclear technology is one of the more recent brinks of discovery. Over the past 60 years or so, scientists have been on a gold rush for the nuclear power. New elements were being discovered and the potentials of their peculiar characteristics drew in more and more people. Highly radioactive substances were being tested for their potencies at the subatomic level. The gain in this scurry for answers was partially politically charged, if not totally for educational purposes. The United States was amid the throng of countries entering the World War II. If one of the most ... ...ficiencies. This does not necessarily mean that the human resource can be misused. By maintaining a code of ethics in human experimentation, we can all advance forward. People should be willing to accept the risks involved in human experimentation, including death. Certain demographics or distinctions in people should not set them apart from a testing pool. With nuclear power and radioactivity as still relatively new ideas, the course of discovery has yet to be traveled. It is only up to us to be vigilant and consciously aware of our actions. References: 1.http://tis-nt.eh.doe.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/chap7_5.html 2.http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~shale/humanities/composition/assignments/experiment/fernald.html 3.http://the-tech.mit.edu/V114/N28/fernald.28n.html 4.http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/backgnd/exper/radhum.txt

Monday, November 11, 2019

Lord of the Flies vs. A Separate Peace Essay

In the World Book Dictionary, jealousy is defined as being in an envious condition or feeling. Many can relate to this feeling, because they have personally experienced jealousy before. Although these people may share a similar feeling, the way each individual acts upon his/her feeling is different. Some just ignore their jealous feeling, hoping that it would quickly go away so that they can go on with their daily lives. Others become so overwhelmed that they actually may act on their emotions, expecting that their action would make them feel better. Usually, the contrary occurs. The person does not feel better about himself; instead, bitter feelings, a loss of respect, or even a loss of friendship are common consequences. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the characters Jack and Gene both experience jealously towards another person, and their actions, motivations, and feelings all circumnavigate around jealousy. In Lord of the Flies, once Jack realizes that Ralph is going to become chief, he totally changes and becomes the antagonist. First of all, Jack acts out on his jealousy by attempting to harm Ralph. Although Jack’s scheme to kill Ralph is unsuccessful, Ralph is still very close to death. In the novel, the reader knows that Jack is plotting to kill Ralph because Samneric informs Ralph, â€Å"They’re going to hunt you tomorrow†¦[Jack] sharpened a stick at both ends.† When Samneric reports that Jack sharpened a stick at both ends, they imply that Jack’s cult plans to decapitate Ralph and stick the prized possession on an end of the stick like it did to the sow. Jack desires to use the head as an offering for the Beastie, a fictional monster that the boys believe haunts the island. As stated before, Jack decides to create a clan from his motivations that arise because of his jealousy. Moreover, since Jack knows that Ralph is always going to be elected chief no matter how many times the group of boys vote, Jack starts his own clan and elects himself as chief. When he does this, he openly tells his colleagues, â€Å"Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come too.† By stating this, he is simply persuading people to support his feat. As Jack plans the death of Ralph, he does not feel any sense of remorse or guilt for plotting to kill his old friend. Jack is just excited that there will be a big hunt for Ralph. Gene also transforms drastically in A Separate Peace after he realizes that he will never be as athletic as Finny. Finny has always been able to accomplish goals and achievements that no one else can reach. Furthermore, Gene becomes jealous. In response to his covetousness, Gene harms Finny by â€Å"[taking] a step toward [Finny], and then [Gene’s] knees bent and [Gene] jounced the limb.† Gene does this so quickly that he does not realize the consequences in jerking the tree limb. He does not know that his action would affect the rest of Finny’s life. Unlike Jack though, Gene does not seek the support of his friends. All Gene wants is for Finny to understand that Gene did not hurt Finny on purpose, and he is greatly sorry. However, when Gene attempts to explain this to Finny, Finny just brushes it off and tries to convince Gene otherwise. He says, â€Å"I don’t know, I must have just lost my balance. It must have been that†¦I just fell.† Another difference is that after Gene shakes the limb and makes Finny fall and break his leg, he feels guilty about his act of jealousy. Gene actually goes up to Finny numerous times to explain that Gene was actually the one who made Finny break his leg, but Finny does not listen. Finny just stubbornly sticks to his reason to â€Å"[being] clumsy and not watching where [he] was stepping.† Ultimately, Gene is immersed with sorrow and guilt. His envy for Finny not only backfires; it creates endless shame and remorse. In the novels Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the main characters’ actions, motivations, and feelings are all outcomes of their jealousy towards another. Jack and Gene share the similarity of attempting to harm another due to their envious motivation. Yet, they are different as seen through their ultimate feelings. Both Jack and Gene aspire to become equal to their rivals, even if they must harm their friends to accomplish self-fulfillment. In the end, Gene suffers from guilt while Jack cannot be more pleased when his newly established clan obeys him to kill Ralph. Richard Griper says it best: â€Å"Jealousy is nothing unless you act upon it.†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

General Education Essay

AUB is committed to offering its students a broad undergraduate liberal arts education that enables them to acquire the analytical skills and habits of life-long learning that they will need to compete successfully in the twenty-first century. The General Education distribution requirements are intended to expose students to a range of intellectual experiences during their time at AUB. We want to give our students the opportunity to make choices and to question and test what they believe are their career goals and their intellectual interests. In addition to courses in their academic majors and the opportunity to take minor concentrations in specific fields, all AUB students must take a minimum of 33-36 credits of general education requirements distributed in the following fields: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 3-6 credits in English Communication Skills through English 204 (English 206 in FEA). 3 credits in Arabic Communication Skills (except those formally exempted) 6 credits in Natural Science. 12 credits in Humanities. 6 credits in Social Science. 3 credits in Quantitative Thought. We believe that a student who has chosen to follow a course of study at AUB leading to a degree in a professional field such as engineering should be exposed to the humanities and social sciences. By the same token, a student who plans to major in history should have the opportunity to take science courses and to work in a lab. While being exposed to various fields of knowledge, we also want our students to have the opportunity to experience different modes of learning (lectures, seminars, labs, and independent research projects). Different modes of analysis are designed to enhance students’ verbal and interactive skills (seminars), writing and analytic skills (research projects), and hands-on experimental skills (laboratories). These distribution requirements may be met by either required or elective courses. Humanities and Social Sciences courses are divided into two lists: List I and List II within each domain. Students are required to select their courses as follows: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Two Humanities courses from Humanity List I. (FAS Students are required to select CVSP courses) Two Humanities courses from either Humanities lists I and II. One Social Science course from Social Sciences List I. One Social Science course from either Social Sciences lists. 1 In addition, No more than two courses from the student’s major may fulfill the Humanities requirement, no more than one course from the student’s major may fulfill the Social Science requirement, and no more than one course from the student’s major may fulfill the Natural Science requirement. Students who are exempted from Arabic are required to take a Humanity or a Language course instead, unless their Faculty requires otherwise. Students who cannot fulfill the Arabic Communications Skills requirement will be asked to sit for an Arabic Placement Test. According to the result, they may take ARAB201A in replacement to the Arabic Communications Skills requirement. FAS requires that a minimum of six credits in Humanities must be taken from CVSP courses 201-208. FAS Students must complete one course from each of the two CVSP sequences; that is, one course from Sequence I followed by one course from Sequence II. The list of approved General Education courses will be updated regularly on the Registrar’s Office website. Arabic Communication Skills Courses: ARAB 201A, ARAB 201B, ARAB211, ARAB212, ARAB 221, ARAB225, ARAB 227, ARAB 228, ARAB 229, ARAB230, ARAB 231, ARAB232, ARAB234, ARAB235, ARAB236, ARAB 237, ARAB238, ARAB 243, ARAB 245, ARAB 246, ARAB249, ARAB 251J, ARAB252C, ARAB290. English Communication Skills Courses ENGL 203, ENGL 204, ENGL 206, ENGL 208 Humanities List I: AMST : AMST 215, AMST 230, AMST 240, AMST 275L, AMST 275F, AMST 275M, AMST 275N, AMST 275O, AMST 275R, AMST 275S, AMST276J, AMST276K, AMST276L, AMST276M, AMST276P ARAB 201B, ARAB 230, ARAB 232, ARAB 233, ARAB 234, ARAB 235, ARAB 238, ARAB 239, ARAB 240, ARAB 243, ARAB 247, ARAB 251 ARCH 121, ARCH 122, ARCH 223, ARCH 224 AROL 201, AROL 212, AROL 214, AROL 217, AROL 219, AROL 222, AROL 225, AROL 226, AROL 231, AROL 235I, AROL 235J, AROL235K ARAB : ARCH : AROL : 2 CVSP Sequence I : CVSP 201, CVSP 202, CVSP 205,CVSP 207A, CVSP 207C, CVSP207E, CVSP 207H, CVSP 207R,CVSP207I, CVSP295L CVSP Sequence II: CVSP 203, CVSP 204, CVSP206, CVSP 208C, CVSP 208D, CVSP 208F, CVSP 208G, CVSP 208H, CVSP 208J, CVSP208K, CVSP208L CVSP: CVSP 212, CVSP 215, CVSP 216, CVSP 217, CVSP 250, CVSP251, CVSP295O ENGL: ENGL 201, ENGL 207, ENGL210, ENGL 216, ENGL 217, ENGL219, ENGL 221,ENGL 224, ENGL 225, ENGL226, ENGL 227, ENGL 236, ENGL240, ENGL 244D, ENGL 242 , ENGL 243, ENGL 244H, ENGL 244I, ENGL 246, ENGL 249, ENGL 251 FAAH: FAAH 227A, FAAH 227B, FAAH 227C,FAAH 228A, FAAH 229A, FAAH229B, FAAH 229C, FAAH229E , FAAH238, FAAH 232, FAAH 247, FAAH 265, FAAH/TH270 HIST: HIST 201, HIST202, HIST214, HIST 212, HIST 217, HIST 218, HIST 220, HIST220B, HIST 225, HIST 226, HIST 227, HIST 234, HIST 237, HIST 238, HIST 245, HIST 251, HIST 257, HIST 258AE, HIST 258AG, HIST258AH, HIST 258AI, HIST 258AJ, HIST 258AK, HIST 258B, HIST 259, HIST262 PHIL: PHIL 201, PHIL 205, PHIL 210, PHIL 213,PHIL214, PHIL217, PHIL 218, PHIL 222, PHIL 223, PHIL 230, PHIL 231, PHIL 232, PHIL 249, PHIL 252F, PHIL 256B. OTHERS: LDEM201, PSPA 210, SOAN207/ MCOM 202, MCOM280, SOAN225, SOAN 238A/ MCOM 291 List II: AMST : ARAB : AROL : ENGL: FAAH: HIST: PHIL: OTHERS: AMST240, AMST 276I, AMST276N AMST276O, AMST275P, AMST275T, AMST275U,AMST276Q ARAB 216,ARAB 231,ARAB 236,ARAB 246, ARAB290 AROL 211, AROL 213, AROL 215, AROL 216, AROL 223, AROL 224, AROL 235F, AROL 235L ENGL 205, ENGL 211, ENGL 212, ENGL 213, ENGL 214, ENGL 215, ENGL 218, ENGL 222, ENGL 223, ENGL 229, ENGL 233, ENGL 237, ENGL239, ENGL241, ENGL 244S, ENGL 248A, ENGL 250, ENGL 252 , ENGL 253. FAAH229D, FAAH 235, FAAH 240, FAAH 241, FAAH 244, FAAH 245,  FAAH 261, FAAH262, FAAH265. HIST258AD, HIST258AM, HIST 260,HIST261 PHIL 206, PHIL 209, PHIL216, PHIL 221, PHIL 251, PHIL251D, PHIL252G, PHIL256C, PHIL257B, PHIL 260, PHIL 260G, PHIL 260E, PHIL 260F, PHIL 262C, PHIL310, PHIL312/3 BUSS 215, EDUC 228, EDUC 229, EDUC 290C, ENGM504, LDEM260,MCOM204, PSPA 216, PSPA 217, SOAN215, SOAN217, SOAN243E. Social Sciences 3 List I: ECON: EDUC: PSPA: PSYC: SOAN: OTHERS: ECON 211, ECON 212, ECON 217 EDUC 215, EDUC 223,EDUC290K PSPA 202, PSPA212, PSPA218, PSPA222, PSPA 238 PSYC 202 SOAN 201, SOAN 203, SOAN 204/ MCOM 201, SOAN 205/ MCOM 203, SOAN 206/ MCOM 240, SOAN 210, SOAN213, SOAN221, SOAN 227,SOAN 228/ MCOM 220, SOAN 229/ MCOM 221, SOAN 230 MCOM 250, SOAN 231/ MCOM 251, SOAN 233/ MCOM 260, SOAN 236/ MCOM 241, MCOM242, MCOM252, SOAN 240, SOAN 241, SOAN 243/ MCOM 261, MCOM281, SOAN 290I, SOAN 290L ARCH 331, AGSC 212, AGSC 213, GRDS231, HBED/HPCH200, HBED/HPCH 201, MNGT 215, ENGL 230, ENGL235. List II: ECON: EDUC: PSPA: SOAN: OTHERS: ECON 203 EDUC 211, EDUC 218, EDUC 230 PSPA 201, PSPA 213, PSPA 221 SOAN 207/ MCOM 202, SOAN 232, SOAN 234/ MCOM 230, SOAN 235/ MCOM 231, SOAN 242, SOAN 245, SOAN 290/ MCOM 290. ENGL 247, HBED/HPCH 203, HMPD 204, HMPD 251. Natural Sciences BIOL: CHEM: GEOL: PHYS: OTHERS: BIOL 200, BIOL 201, BIOL 209, BIOL 210, BIOL 290EE CHEM 200, CHEM 201, CHEM 202, CHEM 204, CHEM 205, CHEM 207, CHEM 208, CHEM 209 GEOL 201, GEOL 205 PHYS 200, PHYS 204, PHYS 205, PHYS 210, PHYS  211, PHYS 212 ARCH151,AGSC203,AGSC204, AVSC 220, AVSC 224, AVSC281, BIOC 246, ENHL 220, LDEM 217, PHYL246. Quantitative Thought CMPS: MATH: OTHERS: CMPS 200, CMPS 206, CMPS 209 MATH 201, MATH 203, MATH 204, MATH 211, MATH 218 EECE 230, EPHD 203, EPHD 213, NURS 203, PHIL 211, PHIL220, STAT201, STAT210, EDUC271, PHIL256.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Is Perception Reality essays

Is Perception Reality essays A few years ago I moved to Arizona. I was to be the office manager of a Real Estate Appraisal firm. Unbeknown to me the Company owed back taxes to Internal Revenue Service. The IRS came in and seized all of the Companies bank accounts and assets. All of a sudden I had to scramble to find a new job. I did not immediately find work as an appraiser but took a job with the Arizona Department of Corrections. What I thought to be true and what the reality was; were two different things. I believed that the individuals incarcerated were being punished and were not able or allowed to do much of anything. Additionally, I believed that they basically sat in a jail cell and read books, drew pictures or wrote letters. I also believed that they were law abiding while in prison. In other words, I believed that they were limited in not being able to break the law. Additionally, I assumed they had virtually no contact with the outside world. I completed some training in self-defense, first aid, conflict resolution, Radio Communications, etc. I was then sent to Cell Block 6 AKA Death Row. This is where my perceptions began to give way to reality. I found that almost every inmate (as called by officers and staff) had a Television and that free cable was provided with many movie channels available. Most had stereos with many CDs. They were required however, to wear headphones while listening to their music. I was surprised to find that the law mandated many privileges to the incarcerated individuals. Three hot meals a day were served the inmates. Also, family members could send them care packages at Christmas up to about 100 lbs., containing homemade food and clothing items. In addition, there is a prison store that the Incarcerated could order items from. A ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Political and Economical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Political and Economical Issues - Essay Example Japan holds an international conference to push for the resumption of commercial whaling. Anti-whaling nations in the International Whaling Commission such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have boycotted the conference. February 14, 2007 U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell announces that Muqtada Al Sadr fled Iraq several weeks ago and is in Iran. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow confirmed that the White House believes Iran is equipping Shia insurgents in Iraq.The U.S. House of Representatives debates the proposed non-binding resolution to oppose President Bush's surge plan. The foreign ministers of India, China and Russia have met in the Indian capital, Delhi, to discuss terrorism, drug trafficking and Afghanistan. An Indian foreign ministry statement said the meeting discussed key global issues, including the importance of the United Nations. February 15, 2007 Hamas- The led Palestinian government has resigned after 11 months in office to make way for a government of national unity. South Korea has agreed to resume high-level talks with North Korea that could restart major aid shipments, despite calls for caution over an international deal on the North's nuclear programs. Justice Minister Chris Ellison has warned anti-whaling protesters and the Japanese whaling fleet they could face questioning if they dock in Australia after clashing in the Southern Ocean. February 16, 2007 The G8 countries, plus Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa, approve the 'Washington Declaration,' proposing a global Carbon emissions trading system to replace the Kyoto Protocol by 2009. A Turkish court has handed down life sentences to seven Al Qaeda associates for their... Iraq's High Tribunal sentences former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan to death for his role in the 1982 killing of 148 men and boys in Dujail following an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Saddam Hussein. Japan holds an international conference to push for the resumption of commercial whaling. Anti-whaling nations in the International Whaling Commission such as the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have boycotted the conference. The foreign ministers of India, China and Russia have met in the Indian capital, Delhi, to discuss terrorism, drug trafficking and Afghanistan. An Indian foreign ministry statement said the meeting discussed key global issues, including the importance of the United Nations. The US and Israel will not work with a new Palestinian unity government unless it recognizes Israel, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said. Mr Olmert said a Palestinian government that failed to accept conditions laid down by the quartet of the US, EU, Russia and UN "cannot receive recognition and there will not be co-operation with it". The US and South Korea have reached a deal to hand full control of South Korea's military back to Seoul by 2012.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Term paper on an aspect of American history from 1607 to 1865 or Essay

Term paper on an aspect of American history from 1607 to 1865 or history of a local community or family - Essay Example This is followed by the second phase 1763-1800 that actually handles the period of the American Revolution, focusing on the war of independence and how the new country obtained its independence through the war of independence (Sage, 27). This continues with the discussion of the life of the new nation after the independence, which focuses on the development of the American constitution. This is followed by the third phase that covers the economic, democratic and the reform advancement in America, covering also the War of 1812 (Smith, 33). This then proceeds to the last phase covering the period 1840-1865, which comprised the Texas fight for independence, the Mexican- American War and extends to the turmoil experienced by the nation in the 1850s, during the secession of the Southern States, and culminate with the American Civil War (Lee, 28). The period 1607-1763 covers the history of the formation of colonies and the form of governments that were establish to administer in these colo nies. Previously, the Native Americans lived in small groups which were surviving on Agriculture and hunting. There were different tribes that were living in America, with each of the different tribes and cultural groupings occupying a different territory (Sage, 44). It is the nature of the cultures of the Native Americans that welcomed the Europeans to come and stay in the region. Nevertheless, the arrival of the European colonists upset the balance of power that was existing before then, transferring the powers from the Natives to the colonists (Weinstein and Frank, 58). The colonists established their form of administrative governments in form of formal government structures that were headed by the governors. The governor was the official the head of the government in the colonies, whose duties included ensuring the enforcement of laws and order, appointing officials for the government and overseeing the necessary legislations that would help run the colonies. The population grew rapidly through a high immigration of people, especially from the Great Britain to the America, where there was more freedom and opportunities for the colonists (Lee, 14). The economic and social factors also had improved resulting to a high birth and survival rate of the children. All these factors served to increase the population of the Americas, while affecting the Native Americans negatively because their lands were taken over by the colonists, and thus they were forced to relinquish most of their land to the colonists. Taxes were introduced and many other restrictive laws that saw the Native Americans become consistently discontented with the presence of the colonists. This discontent was the beginning of the second face running for the period 1763-1800 (Sage, 52). Through the discontent that was experienced by the Native Americans and also stringent laws and measures that the British governments introduced to the colonies led to the great desire for change among the Native A mericans, and some of the colonists. The colonists had been administered in such a way that most of them had emerged as independent nations of some sort, with others being fully royal to the Great Britain’

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Provide a critical discussion of the growing trend to practice Essay - 1

Provide a critical discussion of the growing trend to practice coaching in the workplace - Essay Example In the connection of workplace coaching, leadership is characterized as: the interpersonal techniques included when the one individual (differently alluded to as a director, group leader or line supervisor) enrolls the backing of their work gathering to attain imparted objectives (Mccartney and Campbell, 2006). Backers of managerial coaching highlight its potential to empower line-chiefs to fulfill their leadership work through creating and outfitting the aptitudes, learning and capacities of colleagues to convey propelled and powerful execution (Harney and Jordan, 2008). In spite of the interest in the role of a manager as a coach in both the leadership and HRD rules, very less consideration has been paid to its suggestions for non specific leadership hypothesis (Hagen and Aguilar, 2012). Likewise, despite the fact that it is sanctioned by line chiefs, the writing identifying with managerial coaching is grounded in the knowledge of master and official mentors; there is meager research about the degree to which the same models and behaviours are fitting for both specialised mentors and for line supervisors (Sue-Chan, et al 2010) and little is thought about the individual or expert attributes that may influence the inclination for an administrator to embrace workplace coaching (Hawkins and Smith, 2006). In this setting the paper makes two central commitments. To begin with, it recognizes the behaviours cohorted by line chiefs with workplace coaching and evaluates figures that may influence administrators affinity to embrace coaching. Second, it survey s the meanings of managerial coaching for bland leadership hypothesis. The destinations of the paper are to: Coaching is presently an unmistakable segment of broad methodologies to HRD. Official and management level coaching are progressively pervasive and numerous associations additionally advertise the thought of the supervisor as mentor (CIPD, 2011). Models of coaching in the expert

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Global Transport Providers Essay Example for Free

Global Transport Providers Essay The ocean carriers transport providers have introduced the Advanced Transport Communications System (ATCS). The trucker uses a GPS enabled cell-phone to enter information about the truck which is then received in the carriers and shippers systems of tracking. They report when they pick up and deliver the cargo using the first and last mile to track the cargo. This form of tracking has been introduced by the Port of Oakland, the Bay Area World Trade Centre and a group of technology partners and it reduces traffic congestion, air pollution and saves on time. However, one realizes that the rest of the journey is not tracked as only the first and last mile of the journey are reported. The cargo therefore can get lost on its way to the destination point. The freight forwarders provide a tracking system that allows the importer to place orders through the web. There is use of Pangaea which is a system that automates the process. It connects the freight forwarders, importers, exporters and the custom brokers through the web. It informs them on the progress made by the cargo through the forwarders offices placed all over the world. There is also the added advantage of line/part tracking feature offered by Pangaea which allows one to re-order, approximate position and also the arrival date of cargo, contents of the containers and retrieval of line item detail (http://www. pangaeaworld. com/product-linepartaspx). It also has the ability to operate at a multi-national level using multi-lingual employees in their offices. This then opens up the market where they would operate their businesses and those of the customers. The Marine Association of the Port of New York/New Jersey started the testing of the Automated Secure Vessel Tracking System(ASVT)in 2002. this system was developed by the Secure Assets Reporting Services (SARS) of Bellevue Washington. By using this tracking system, the parties involved will be able to locate their vessels worldwide on both ocean transit and on inland waterways.. The information on location and movement of the cargo carrying ship is available by the use of an encrypted password on the internet. The Secured Assets Reporting Services uses multiple satellite sources thus increase the ability of tracing the cargo at sea. The information can also be shared with the state and federal Homeland Security agencies thus increasing the ability to trace cargo when on transit and reduce chances of its getting lost. Advantages and disadvantages When using ocean carriers, there are various advantages and disadvantages. When used efficiently, there is reduction of cot as it carries more cargo thus more is under surveillance at a go. By using cell-phones to track cargo it makes it easier as anyone can do so from any part of the world. The major disadvantage of this system is the fact that it only checks when the cargo is picked up or delivered. It does not extend to when the cargo is on transit. Also it is specific phone brands that can be used for this tracking system. The major advantage of the freight is that it is available over the internet. It also keeps the parties involved informed of position of the cargo as this is done via internet. It is also operated at multinational level with offices in all market locations. The major disadvantage of freight forwarders is that it is very costly due to long distance shipping thus limiting ability of a small scale establishment to operate internationally. It also makes the tracking of the cargo expensive as it is done over a longer distance. The other major disadvantage is tat it does not cover the journey if one is not connected to the web. The port tracking system is designed to track the cargo on transit while revealing this information to a specific person only thus increasing security of who gets the information. The cargo is also tracked at sea by use of satellite whereby by using multiple satellite sources, the information is constantly available. The disadvantages are the requirements to have a computer system and ability to use it also a lot of manpower is needed to run the system. Recommendations Based on the research done and the information gotten, the best company for DD is the port tracking system. The rationale behind this conclusion is because the port tracking system has a way of tracking the cargo even at sea. This enables one to know at which point a specific cargo is. Also the fact that there are multiple satellite sources ensures that breakdown of one does not lead to loss of cargo. Each satellite source confirms the others information and nay anomaly is quickly noticed. By giving a password that is used to get the information from the internet means that information is not tampered with. It also ensures that only the relevant authority gets the information. By getting the information on exact position it means one can be able to conduct their sales with more precision. This is because delivery date is predictable on approximation. Finally, the disadvantages faced are also to be found in the other systems. The man power required is same as in the other systems and use of computers is also to be found in the freight forwarders while being substituted by cell phones in ocean carriers systems. Reference: Buxbaum P. A, 2007. Port Equipment and Technology – Tracking Last Mile Data. http://www. bawtc. com/tradenews-details-asp? partnerID=ArticleID=13317

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aldous Huxleys Brave New World

Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Brave new world is a science fiction book written in 1931by Aldous Huxley and deals with the way things might turn out to be in the future. The book is set in London of AD 2540 and the book anticipates the changes in the society from the development of both reproductive technologies as well as sleep-learning. In this book Huxley describes the future to be embodied with ideals that are very organized such that one loses one sense of self. Exile in Brave New World In the Brave new world the exile experience is common and several characters experience some form and shape of it during the novel. Such form of exile is evident in form of alienation and otherness or the fact of being different from the rest of the group. In his book Aldous use the theme of exile as a way of expressing his ideas and fantasies about the life in the brave new world. The theme of exile has been experienced by various characters in the book either directly as for Helmholtz, Bernard and Linda or indirectly as for John and Mustapha Mond (Postman, 1985). To begin with Johns experiences a lot of alienation or exile kind of treatment in the book brave new world and this is evident from the first instance where we find him to be cursed to a life of isolation or exiled from the rest of the society of the savages simply because of his appearance, the values he holds and is outrageous thoughts. Such character of being the other exiled him mentally, physically as well as emotionally both in the savage culture and the world state culture because he finds himself torn between conforming to the society and at same time keeping true to his virtues. Therefore, being different exiles John to a world of alienation and despite wanting to fit into the society of the savages his different looks from those of the rest of the Indians on the reservation hampers his ability to fit in the savage society and this is evident when he is denied the rites of passage or the rituals where he could give his life to the society. John explains that he could have gone round ten times, twelve and even fifteen but they couldnt allow him because of his complexion and that has always been the case (Higgins Higgins, 2000). This act of denial simply because he is not like them exiles him to world of isolation and he clearly knows that. Being exiled to the identity of the other John has always been shunned, disliked and mocked because, the Indians were dark skinned who fiercefuly looked down on the light skinned people presumably from the other place. John also experienced exiled from the rest of the Indian boys as a result of the promiscuous actions of his mother and was sometimes referred to as white hair or son of she-dog and such words crushed his spirits every time he tried to participate with them. The excitement that John shows when Bernard promises to take him and his mother to the brave new world shows that he highly anticipates to be set free from an exiled life he leads in the land of the savages (Huxley, 2005). Theme of exile in the book brave new world is also portrayed by Linda, mother to John who is very promiscuous and ignores the rules of the reservation lands and such act puts her in constant trouble with the inhabitants who resented her promiscuity and her intake of alcohol. Linda after being abandoned by the director in the reservation land she has never fitted in the society of the savages because she breaks the rules hence being ostracized by the society. Linda in exiled in the limbo as she tries to live in both the reservation society and her previous new brave world. He teaches his son to read which is against the brave new world but at same time is promiscuous and takes alcohol. Therefore Linda spends most of her life being exiled in the worlds of in-between as she cant fully fit into either of the societies. Bernard Marx is another character in the book brave new world that experiences exile as he has an inferiority complex which results from his small height that resulted during his faulty decantation process. His shortens as compared to his caste members make him to be ridiculed and mocked and this sends him to exile from the society as he becomes isolated from the rest. In addition to that Bernard doesnt believe in the promiscuous nature which his society permits and is rather aligned to monogamous kind of life which exhibits the nature of man before the Ford and this separated belief exiles him from the rest of the savage society who holds a complete contradictory belief that sex is for recreation rather than for reproduction and that people should have sex with as many partners as possible (Huxley, 1998). In addition to that Mustapha Mond who is resident of the world controller of western Europe and one of the ten world controllers experience exile in his way of life as he was forced to abandon his once ambitious career in physics and given the choice of training as a world controller. Giving up his science for the censoring of scientific discoveries as well as exiling of people for unorthodox beliefs exiles him from what he has always believed and stood for. This is clearly evident as he always keeps a collection of forbidden literature in his safe including the Shakespeares and other religious writings. All these serve to imply that Mond is leading a life of exile in the brave new world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nothing in Common :: Personal Narrative Essays

Nothing in Common    After 19 years of marriage I decided it was time to try living on my own. It took another year and a half for me to actually do it. I had married my husband when I was barely out of high school and promptly gave birth to three sons in rapid succession. I won't go into the details of those 19 years. My husband was a good husband and an okay father. After about 10 years I realized that we were two completely different people with absolutely nothing in common except for our sons.    Moving out was the most devastating and liberating thing that I ever did. I first set myself up in a small above-garage apartment. I had no furniture except my bed and my computer. My first night there I sat in the empty living room listening to the sirens in downtown Lake Worth, a far cry from the peaceful cocks crowing in Jupiter Farms. The emotions running through me were a strange and horrible mix of elation, sorrow, and fear. What had I done?    After a few weeks I began to settle in. I had a full-time job with FPL, I saw my sons often, and I discovered the joy of solitude - something I hadn't known in a very long while with three boys and their friends always under foot. In the mornings I would have a cup of coffee on my balcony and then take a walk to the Intercoastal, which was only two blocks from my apartment. My chaotic soul started to slowly heal and slow down to a peaceful pace.    In the silence of that apartment I had plenty of opportunity to look hard at myself. I took advantage of the silence and finished writing the two books on healthcare and childcare in the late 1800's that I had barely begun a few years before. Those two books were published a year later. I renewed my love of poetry and spent hours reading the works of Pound, Rich, Atwood, and others. I decided to return to college.    I spent four months in my sanctuary over the garage. Then I went home. Everyone thought I would be the same, that life would be the same.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critique of Gallery Shows of Asian Art Essay

Asian art can refer to the vast genre of art and artists throughout the Asian continent. The history of Asian art is as varied as the cultures that make up this region of the world. From ancient bronze sculptures in India to the Manga cartoons of Japan, each country has a distinctive perspective on the world around them. In this paper I will look at three proposals for gallery shows of Asian art, each completely unique in their view of Asian culture. The first group looks at â€Å"Pop culture in Asia† focusing on the works of artists Wang Guangyi, Satoshi Kon, Takashi Murakami, and Basak Aditya, as well the art of Japanese tattoos. Organizing such conflicting works together seems disjointed and lacking coherence. Indeed the idea of Pop culture in Asia could be defined in multiple ways, but this grouping lacks consistency and logic. Works by Wang Guangyi, Satoshi Kon and Takashi Murakami, each with their pop art style and references, would be a good match for a show focusing on pop culture. Wang Guangyi reinvents propaganda posters from the 1960’s and 70’s into capitalist propaganda posters, using the same triangular composition and palette. Takashi Murakami is known for his sculptures of highly stylized cartoon or invented characters, referring to the popular culture of Japan or contemporary films. Satoshi Kon is a director of animated films that are loaded with Japanese cultural references and symbolism. I believe the work of these three artists would have been enough for a succinct show of Pop culture in Asia. The addition of the works of Basak Aditya and Japanese tattoos makes this grouping lose its focus. Although the work of Basak Aditya, with his poetic landscapes and dream-like portraits, is interesting, it is not a good fit because they are too personalized and make no references to the pop culture of India. And finally the addition of Japanese tattoos just seems like an arbitrary decision. Although some tattoos may have pop cultural references, the inclusion of photographs of skin art is incompatible with the cohesion of the first three artists in the grouping. The next group â€Å"Art and Power† successfully showed a variety of artwork that represented power throughout the ages. Beginning with paintings from the Chinese era of emperors and using concise language to demonstrate their interpretation of power. This group then looks at the brass and copper sculptures of Buddha, Shiva, and Jambhala, clearly demonstrating the power of religion in the regions of Tibet and India. Next are a grouping of decorative and ceremonial items from Korea, signifying the power of the ruling and upper-classes of ancient Asia. This grouping ends with a group of painting and sculpture of samurais and two thangka paintings. The overall consistency of the objects and paintings used for this grouping makes for a successful exhibition. All the works chosen were clearly indicative of power in this well organized grouping. Finally the last group chose â€Å"Asian Animation† as a theme. Again this is a clear and well put together group of mostly Japanese cartoons and figures. This group first looks at the work of Satoshi Trajiri, and the media franchise of Pokemon. This group clearly spent time on creating colorful cartoon-like backgrounds to add to their clear, well planned presentation. They then look at the illustration work of Akira Toriyama and his colorful, well defined sharp edge illustrations. The group then looks at toys and costumes that are created from these cartoons and comics, again using a similar background to unify the presentation. Although some of the content is repeated at the end of the grouping, the overall vision of presenting these comics and cartoons as art forms is cohesive and easy to understand. The group points out how important comics as an industry is to Japan and their cultural affects throughout the world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bullying at Workplace

The use of harmful communication at workplace is of international concern. In various European countries and Australia, legislators have ratified and enforced laws that warn employers against using relationships that causes suffering and discomfort in the workplace (Namie & Namie, 2003). In England and the United States, laws have been propagated in an effort to afford just, safe and secure work conditions. These regulations are enforced through associations and groups responsible for safety and health of employees and agencies liable for defending against intolerance.In the U. S.,  for example regulations have been passed in the majority of states protecting workers from harassment, assault, sexual harassment, discrimination, annoyance and stalking. (Vega & Comer, 2005) At the same time, a number of recent studies suggest that exposure to moral harassment at work is a serious international problem. It is known by different names in different places, bullying in England, murahachib u or ijime in Japan and mobbing in the USA. Differing concepts have been in use in different European countries, such as, ‘moral harassment', ‘psychological terror' and ‘victimisation'.(Einarsen et al. , 2002) Though, they all seem to refer to the same phenomenon, specifically the â€Å"systematic mistreatment of a subordinate, a colleague, or a superior, which, if continued, may cause severe social, psychological and psychosomatic problems in the victim. Exposure to such treatment has been claimed to be a more crippling and devastating problem for employees than all other kinds of work-related stress put together, and is seen by many researchers and targets alike as an extreme type of social stress at work† (Einarsen et al., 2002, p. 3) Nevertheless, workers still complain that they are intimidated, abused verbally, and, on the whole, made to feel inadequate (Daniel, 2002). Circumstances in which workers are subjected to oral assaults and to intimidating an d harassing behaviours take place regularly in organizations (Namie & Namie, 2003). Confrontations that have non-fatal consequences leave workers irritated; some quit their employments or develop foremost problems with health.Scholars who recently began investigating these behaviours at workplace infer that the constant and deliberate verbal violence coupled with scorn or threatening and harassing strategies cause physical and psychological harm which they consider as a complicated phenomenon—workplace bullying (Davenport et al. , 2002). It is estimated that as many as 8-10% of European employees may suffer from exposure to bullying and harassment at work. It prevails in both private and public organisations and finds its victims among men and women alike.Studies also show that exposure to bullying at work is a severe source of stress at work and may be a crippling and devastating problem for those exposed. (Tehrani, 2001) A victim of bullying at work seems to produce severe emotional reactions such as fear, anxiety, helplessness, depression and shock. It appears to alter the victims’ perceptions of their work-environment to one of threat, danger, insecurity, and self-questioning, which may result in pervasive emotional, psychosomatic and psychiatric problems.Moral harassment also has negative effects on the organisation and lowers productivity in the workplace. (Vega & Comer, 2005) Researchers implemented the term â€Å"workplace bullying† from their counterparts in Europe, England, Australia, Canada, and other states worldwide where research has led to legislative and legal intrusions to prevent and highlight workplace bullying. Though, American and Japanese researchers have been slower than their colleagues worldwide to examine the nature of workplace bullying.Although research into psychological and emotional problems at workplace in Japan and America has led to legislative and legal acts to manage aggression, stalking, sexual harassme nt, and discrimination, workplace bullying has not been accepted in America and Japan as a special phenomenon. Consequently, legislative field in these countries concerning workplace abuse issues are underdeveloped. (Vogel, 2002) There are numerous definitions of workplace bullying; the one used at this point is â€Å"unwanted, offensive, humiliating, undermining behaviour towards an individual or groups of employees.Such persistently malicious attacks on personal or professional performance are typically unpredictable, irrational, and unfair. This abuse of power or position can cause such chronic stress and anxiety that people gradually lose belief in themselves, suffering physical ill health and mental distress as a result† (Rayner, et al. , 2002, p. xi). Bullying refers to all situations where one or more people feel subjected to negative behaviour from others at work over a period of time and in situations where, for different reasons, they are unable to defend themselves against these actions.Typically, a victim is constantly teased, pursued, badgered and insulted and perceives that he or she has little recourse to retaliate in kind. (The Mobbing Encyclopaedia, 2006) We may distinguish between work-related bullying such as being exposed to unreasonable deadlines, unmanageable workloads or other kinds of behaviour that make the work situation difficult for the victim, and bullying that is primarily related to the person, such as insulting remarks, excessive teasing, gossip and rumours, social isolation and exclusion. This kind of behaviour is common and has been experienced by most people at work from time to time.As a single episode in a positive social climate, such actions may even be taken to be harmless. However, when behaviour that is perceived as unwanted by the recipient, is systematically and continually aimed at a particular person, and especially in a situation were the victim feels defenceless against the actions or the people performing them, it becomes an act of moral harassment. (The Mobbing Encyclopaedia, 2006) In the recent past three countries in the EU – Sweden, Belgium and France have enacted legislation to counter the incidence of moral harassment and more countries are expected to follow their lead.In this research assignment, the reasons and incidence of moral harassment are examined in different cultures, countries and legal systems to assess the current scenario, measures currently in place as well as those proposed to counter the problem, both within and outside the legal framework and possible solutions and measure, which could help in countering the issue. The countries chosen for the assignment are Britain, Sweden, France and Japan. All of these countries are developed and industrialised nations with democratic political systems, strong legal frameworks, emancipated work cultures and progressive thinking.Two of the chosen countries, namely Sweden and France have decided to introduce legislat ion to check the menace whereas the other two have not, possibly feeling it more appropriate to term it a social issue that can be solved through awareness, dialogue and discussion. Again Japan has a tradition and work culture very different from the other three and this contributes to dissimilarities in both origin and response to the issue of harassment in the workplace. It is hoped that this paper will succeed in examining the issue in detail and throw some fresh and engaging perspectives on this annoying social malaise.Background, Definitions and Legal Overview Background Moral harassment in the workplace is a global problem and exists in some form or other in all workplaces across continents and nationalities. The problem was considered commonplace even in 70’s and it was only at the initiative of Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway, that the matter started receiving international attention. The British call the phenomenon bullying, a rather innocuous term hist orically linked to students in public schools being asked to run errands for their seniors.The problem is however not restricted to schools any longer. (Tehrani, 2001) In the United States it is known as mobbing, again a very unrepresentative and confusing term. Persecutors do join up sometimes to harass in groups or â€Å"mobs†, but harassment also happens in many one to one situations. The ramifications of moral harassment are thus far more extensive and represent a serious and vexing social problem, which needs eradication from civilised society. (Olweus, 2003) Workplace bullying has yet to become a regularly utilized term in the U. S.workplace or as a form of mistreatment from which American statutory law provides worker protection (Yamada, 2000). Unlike sexual harassment, which is defined by statutory and case law (Dougherty & Smythe, 2004), bullying is without a specific, unified vernacular and is often relegated to the schoolyard (Olweus, 2003). The connection to schoo lyard bullying can be stigmatising through association with childishness or weakness. Since people organize, structure, and create their experiences, interactions and realities through language (Spender, 1984), the absence of agreed upon terminology frustrates U.S. workers' efforts to name and make sense of these experiences and may contribute to their reported sense of feeling â€Å"crazy† (Tracy et al. , 2004). Workplace bullying, as a unique phenomenon, is also referred to as mobbing (Davenport et al. , 2002), harassment (Bjorkqvist et al. , 1994), psychological terror (Leymann, 1996), emotional abuse (Keashly, 2001), and victimization (Einarsen & Raknes, 1997). Mobbing, a term originating in Swedish research (Leymann, 1990), initially denoted numerous bullies singling out one person, but this distinction has since fallen away (Davenport et al., 2002). Over time, the two central terms bullying and mobbing have come to indicate virtually the same phenomenon. In actual fact workplace harassment is an omnibus list of unfair and uncalled for persecution in the workplace that can take many forms in its expression and execution. It is not limited to sexual harassment, per se, though sexual harassment is a major component of the harassment that goes on in offices and other establishments, worldwide. It could relate to and be caused because of sex, religion, creed, ethnicity, physical appearance or just plain dislike.It is a form of offensive treatment or behaviour, which to a reasonable person creates an intimidating, hostile or abusive work environment. It may be sexual, racial, based on gender, national origin, age, disability, religion or a person's sexual orientation. It may also encompass other forms of hostile, intimidating, threatening, humiliating or violent behaviour, which are offensive or intimidatory in nature. The central characteristics that differentiate workplace bullying from other negative social interactions at work are persistence (Mikke lsen & Einarsen, 2001), patterned negative acts (Einarsen et al., 2002), widespread harm (Davenport et al. , 2002), and escalation (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2003). Furthermore, bullying is linked to extremely hostile work environments (Salin, 2003); these environments are most likely both the medium and the outcome of bullying. That is, bullying is more likely to emerge in hostile work environments and also contributes to such environments (Crawford, 2001). Many researchers seek to differentiate workplace bullying from sexual and racial harassment (Leymann, 1996).Adams and Crawford (1992) expressly state that â€Å"although some people will insist otherwise, bullying at work is separate from the recognised problems of sexual harassment or racism† (p. 10). Others claim that the key legal issues that â€Å"distinguishes sexual harassment from bullying is that†¦ harassment is somehow based on gender†¦ and that men and women are treated differently† (Pryor & Fitzgerald, 2 003, p. 80). On the other hand, researchers may seek legitimacy for the construct of workplace bullying by closely linking it to racial or sexual harassment (Randall, 2001).For example, Einarsen and colleagues (1994) argue that, â€Å"sexual and racial harassment represent different aspects of the same problem† (Lee, 2001, p. 208). Lee (2001) argues â€Å"however, if sexual harassment and racial harassment are defined as only types of bullying, this might undermine the specificity and visibility of sexual and racial harassment† (p. 209). Interactions exist between sexual harassment, racial harassment, and workplace bullying; nevertheless, it seems important not to conflate types of harassment in a way that obscures the distinctive features of each (Lee, 2001). DefinitionsDefinitions of workplace bullying (or mobbing) vary by author, country and academic discipline, and there is no universally agreed-upon definition. There are, however, more similarities than difference s in present definitions of bullying as a unique phenomenon. This is a partial rendering of researchers who study workplace bullying, but provides the ways in which the foundational scholars and professionals have framed and defined the issue. Other researchers generally adopt one or more elements of following definitions. Consequently providing a more extensive list would potentially be more repetitive than revealing.European Parliament defines bullying as, â€Å"A lack of humanity at the workplace, personal experiences of bullying at work, a feeling of exclusion from the social community there, encountering irreconcilable demands at work and not having the wherewithal to meet these demands. † On the other hand, International Labour Office definition states that bullying is qualified as: â€Å"Offensive behaviour through vindictive, cruel, malicious or humiliating attempts to undermine an individual or groups of employees †¦ It involves ganging up on or ‘mobbingà ¢â‚¬â„¢ a targeted employee and subjecting that person to psychological harassment.It includes constant negative remarks or criticisms, isolating a person from social contacts and gossiping or spreading false information. † Rayner et al. (2002) state that bullying is â€Å"unwanted, offensive, humiliating, undermining behaviour towards an individual or groups of employees. Persistent malicious attacks on personal or professional performance that are typically unpredictable, irrational and often unfair. This abuse of power can cause such chronic stress and anxiety that people gradually lose belief in themselves, suffering physical ill health and mental distress as a result† (Rayner et al., 2002, p. xi) They also argue that bullying is â€Å"a situation where one or several individuals persistently over a period of time perceive themselves to be on the receiving end of negative actions from one or several persons, in a situation where the target of bullying has difficult y defending him or herself against these actions. We will not refer to a one-off incident as bullying† (Rayner et al. , 2002, p. 24) Some researchers find workplace bullying in a huge number of harmful conditions arising out of nonverbal and verbal contact.Ramsey (2002) believe, that workplace bullying is: â€Å"Any behaviour that frightens, threatens or intimidates another person qualifies as bullying. Besides physical force, the most common types of bullying include: verbal abuse, written, spoken or implied threats, name-calling and racial slurs, vandalism, put-downs. † (p. 2) Randall (2001) argues that bullying is â€Å"the aggressive behaviour arising from the deliberate intent to cause physical and psychological distress to others† (p. 9)Australian researchers like, O’Hagan (2002) believe that workplace bullying is â€Å"workplace behaviour that is inappropriate, unreasonable, humiliating, denigrating, that offends and intimidates, and affects health , well-being and undermines productivity. † (p. 1) However, American researchers define workplace bullying as â€Å"emotional assault that begins when an individual becomes a target of disrespectful and harmful behaviours, innuendo, rumours, and public discrediting; a hostile environment is created in which one individual gathers others to willingly, or unwillingly, participate in continuous malevolent actions to force a person out†¦The individual experiences increasing distress, illness and social misery. † (Davenport et al. , 2002, p. 33) Scandinavian researchers argue that bullying lies in â€Å"harassing, offending, socially excluding someone or negatively affecting someone's work tasks. In order for the label bullying (or mobbing) to be applied to a particular activity, interaction or process it has to occur repeatedly and regularly (i. e. , weekly) and over a period of time (i. e. , about six months).Bullying is an escalating process in the course of which t he person confronted ends up in an inferior position and becomes the target of systematic negative social acts. A conflict cannot be called bullying if the incident is an isolated event or if two parties of approximately equal ‘strength' are in conflict’ (Einarsen et al. , 2003, p. 15) British researcher Glendinning (2001) posits that workplace bullying is â€Å"a management style that uses â€Å"repeated aggressive behaviour that deliberately causes physical or psychological torment† (pp. 3-4).He adds that it is also, â€Å"the repeated, less favourable treatment of a person by another in the workplace, which may be considered unreasonable and inappropriate workplace practice. It includes behaviour that intimidates, offends, degrades, or humiliates a worker, possibly in front of co-workers, clients or customers (pp. 3-4). Most literature uses the term bullying to label this extreme, persistent form of workplace abuse. Despite the common terminology in internat ional research, the term workplace bullying has yet to become widely used by American and Japanese academics (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2005).The following definition is a essence of the aforementioned body of work: Workplace bullying is a pattern of persistent, offensive, intimidating, malicious, insulting, or exclusionary discursive and non-discursive behaviours that targets perceive as intentional efforts to harm, control, or drive them from the workplace. Bullying is often escalatory in nature and linked to hostile work environments. The principal effects are damage or impairment to targets and workgroups and obstruction of organizational goals and processes. Legal OverviewWorkplace bullying erodes interpersonal relationships outside of work (Davenport et al. , 2002), and evidence â€Å"points to the potential for damage to those who have witnessed bullying at work† (Rayner et al. , 2002, p. 189). Co-workers are secondary targets of workplace bullying, similar to persons who witnes s and are psychologically marked by acts of workplace violence and murder (Barling, 1996). When co-workers witness others being bullied, they make the quite logical assumption that they could be targeted in a similar fashion and hypervigilance becomes a permanent feature of work life (Lockhart, 1997).Fear, emotional exhaustion, and guilt increase the likelihood of staff turnover. Furthermore, witnesses report higher stress levels and intentions to leave than do non-observers (Vartia, 2001). Given the destructive results of bullying, many find it difficult to believe this behaviour is unintentional. Even the detailed list of examples of harassment is not exhaustive and perpetrators can constantly think up new ways of tormenting their victims.Harassment can occur in numerous ways, some of which will be obvious but there will be others, quite subtle and difficult to explain. Further examples of harassment are the withholding of information which can affect the victim’s performan ce, ignoring views and opinions, setting unreasonable/impossible deadlines, giving unmanageable workloads, humiliating staff in front of others, being shouted at or being the target of spontaneous rage. As such, harassment can take a variety of shapes and forms and can manifest itself in the unlikeliest of situations.(Tehrani, 2001) In the UK, it is important to specify and identify harassment separately as, unlike bullying, many forms of discrimination are outlawed by specific legislation to which a victim can turn for recourse. The Health and Safety Executive of the United Kingdom states that bullying at work is a cause of stress. They state that â€Å"stress at work can be triggered or made worse where ‘there is prolonged conflict between individuals, including †¦ bullying or where staff are treated with contempt or indifference. † (Unison, 2003)Persistent exposure to bullying is also likely to lead to behavioural and attitudinal problems among workers. It can l ead to an increase in accidents, lack of concentration and increased use of alcohol and tobacco consumption. Exposure to persistent and regular bullying may also make it difficult for workers to cope with daily tasks. Other symptoms of bullying include anxiety, headaches, nausea, ulcers, various illnesses of organs such as the kidney, contemplating suicide, sleeplessness, skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, bursting into tears and loss of self-confidence.